
Responses from buconero117

Cayin A88T - My Favorite Amp Out of Numerous - FYI
If you liked the cayin 88, you will love the cayin 100. I have both. Yes, the bias of the 88 is a pain, but the 100 is a piece of cake when it comes to bais. Your last amp? Don't be silly. I am looking forward to a bigger Cayin/VAS, which I know i... 
Tower Speakers and Room Size
Before you buy any new speaker it is a must that you read Toole's 'Sound Reproduction' book. That should help answer the 'small room' question. I have both monitors and floor standers in the same small room, both ProAc's. Each has their merits. As... 
A Question About Reviewer Techniques
All is solved, system synergy requires the manufacturer to send their component and all other parts, cables too, they want to be used to the review. This way, the system is reviewed. Now, if the manufacturer could just send the 'room' and all its ... 
Looking for input on record clamps.
sota, makes one of the best 
AMR new product - PH-77 phono stage
Something wrong here. Analogue in digital form? The unit is all 'chips'. Silly. Paying $10,000 for a digital pre to play LP's is not a good value. A $300 software program together with a high end sound card running on your computer can do the same... 
Bel Canto left channel cutting out with distortion
Don't fool around, un plug it quickly and ship it back to Bel Canto for repair. They know their product, all others will be learning at your expense. 
SS Preamp with Tube Amp?
No, you miss the point of tubes. Best way to tell is get a dealer to loan you a tube pre, any make, and give it a try. 
"Best" multichannel universal player right now?
oppo blue ray it is 
CD layer on hybrid SACD versus regular redbook
No, no, no. Buy a refurb Sony 595 at Sonystyle for $60. You will be very pleased with both SACD and CD sound. Just saved you $1,000. 
Suggestions for a new SACD player.
Maybe cheap will do. Before spending mega bucks, buy a Sony 595 refurb on SonyStyle for $60. Hopefully you are a brave soul and will give an honest listen. Don't like it? They will take it back and refund all costs, including shipping. Hey, I just... 
Need Selling advice
I agree with Thorman, package and pick up only. There is no other way to safely sell a turntable. Each one I have purchased from A'gon's was done that way. E-bay is okay, but again must be a package deal, pick up with cash only. 
Pros posing as hobbyists?
Let's face it, we all being 'audiophiles', are 'pros'. As long as the goods are accurately and truthfully described, no reason for their sale is necessary or should be given. Best to say 'they need to be sold' and leave it at that. 
Loricraft and power cord upgrade?
dump it and get one of the newer Keith Monks units. 
Best set up for 78's ?
The comment to get a 78 variable speed table, cartridge is right on. All else will be disappointing. To do justice to the playback, you need something like the new VAS pre-amp which is a knock off of an old HK Citation I. It as all the 'curves'. T... 
Bedroom system for my 10 year old son
Any system would be great, just as long as it has no speakers. The other memebers of your family will never get any 'peace & quite' once the speakers, including a sub, show up. Headphone listening, from the ipod, computer or receiver is best. ...