
Responses from buconero117

sand versus shot in speaker stands
sonically, lead is best. I have two sets of Chicago stands, spiked on the bottom and top and they work fine. Lead can be safely handled and on the Chicago stands it was easy to seal the tops so no dust could escape. 
Made in Canada conundrum
Just don't buy, it is that simple. When I have brought/sold used I require carrier pick up and delivery be in the US at a UPS store or I don't do the transaction. 
Klipsch vs. Dynaco A25
Klipsch, no contest. Especially with tubes. 
Speaker Placement, Listening Room Design
Start with the basics, thick carpet and a pop corn acoustical ceiling, room measurements that eliminate/cancel standing waves. Then start with various speaker placements, following the one third rule. After that try different wall and corner treat... 
marantz cd 94
go with the cayin. I have the 88t also, sounds great. 
It costs me $100 a week to listen to vinyl
Great to 'hear' you switched. You can now be called a value based listener. 
Recommend speakers for a restaurant sound system
Check out the new restaurant to open in NYC by Daniel. NY Times did an article on it last Sunday. Mentioned was the outfit that did the sound system and how the music is programmed. I know, it is in the mega bucks league, but still you will pick u... 
Room Treatment: Whatcha Got?
Recently tired the Furutech version of the Acoustic Revive RWL-3 Diffuser. I use it between the speakers and found a significant improvement. That was the good news. Now the bad news. I need to 'retune' the room to see what additional beneifts can... 
subwoofer audiosource sold at walmart
Not surprised at audiosource at Walmart. Some of their products are outstanding values. J&R sells a lot of their stuff. Think about it, unless the recession turns around this year, a lot of high volume audio manufacturers stuff will show up in... 
Cayin A-50t vs. Rogue Audio Cronus
cayin, better sound, value. 
Luxman CL 35III/MQ68 Replace or retube?
Replace. It is not cost effective change the caps and resistors. Check out the 'Japan Joy' store on e-Bay, they deal in current Luxman tube gear and may be able to help your decision. 
Front End Advice Sought
A used, but in good condition Denon 47F, with Denon 160 cartridge should do the trick. Of course, a pre-amp to match the 160, would also be needed and a used ProJect would be a good choice. Everything could cost $600. The best feature would be a f... 
Best Amplifier Speaker DAC Cayin Spendor Monarchy
Great review. I suggest you take it to the next level and look at the VAS preamp. Nothing does vinyl better. 
What is best CD player for my system ?
something from cayin would work best 
Help with bi-wirable efficient floorstanding 2.5K
Don't fool around, just get used pair of ProAc 140's. Should cost less the 2.5K. I drive mine with tubes and they sound just great, never stressed out.