
Responses from buconero117

cheap high quality power strip
stick with furman, they have been at this forever and no one does it better. 
Beatles catalog remastered for Sept. 09 release
Failure to do Blu will tell us that its the same old, tired game of poor quality. Think about it, most of the cd stuff is aimed at the ipod, for you will not hear any 196/24 mastering difference in that format. Since the masters are two channel st... 
Do you spend more on audio than your income allows
Seems there are many 'high mileage' Toyota fans here. So, what are the 'toyota's' in the audio field? 
Availability protocol?
When is a sale actually made might be the question. For me it is when the buyer's funds have been received and are fully collected and available to me and I actually ship the goods. Until then, I answer additional offers/queries with 'sale pending... 
MM Tube Phono for $1000
I second Tfkaudio, go with the ear 834p. Also, an AR ph3se can be often had at under $1000. I've heard both in my system and would give the edge to ear. Also, you may be able to source the ear directly from the UK at 20% less then the USA prices, ... 
Why do Audiophiles feel the need...
Not just you, me, also. I really appreciate the people who have the gear, or who have actually auditioned it, sharing their experiences. Otherwise, its all talk, talk and more talk. 
Anyone tried the K2HD mastering CDs?
Yes, I've tried them. No, they are not worth the premium. Listen to three and felt the 'master' did not know what he was doing. Needs the Steve Hoffman touch. Try a blu-ray audion disk and you will see what true mastering is all about. 
EAR 324P. Can I do better?
If you purchase an EAR, do so in the UK and it will save you about 30%. It can be ordered with 110/120 voltage. 
Turntable/Tonearm Advice
Since all of these are high price points, best to take the time and expense, to visit a dealer. That way, if you buy, you will get support. It will also let you 'hear' the pump. About the vacuum system. I suggest you invest in a free standing flat... 
Tube amps that kick ass?
cayin or vas. you need to hear to believe. 
Problem with CD player
time for a sony 595 refurb from sonystyle for $60. For $10 you can get a five year warranty. If you don't like it, sony will come get it for a free pick up. no brainer. 
Why buy cheap speakers??
Cheap? Wrong way to put it. The speaker comes first, all else follows. Best to audition a speaker to the room it will be used in, that requires first researching a best fit list, then visit a dealer with your starting price point and have him driv... 
phono preamp with volume?
EAR834 with volume control, About 800 used. 
Best recording
SOTA reel to reel players
Don't fool around. SOTA equals Ampex ATR with multi head blocks and equalization boards. Of course you need an on staff tech to keep it running. You will want to attend a few classes that provide hands on instruction. Your budget for all this shou...