
Responses from buconero117

Cayin A-88t OR Cayin A-100T for Sonus Faber Cremon
go with the 100. I have both a 88 and 100. I originally had the 88 and felt the 100 would be better. It was. I still have the 88 and will find a use for it in another system. Cayin makes a great product. I also have VAS mono blocks. The 100 sounds... 
The Best Phono cable
Of course, the ones that sound best in your system. Do not let price be your guide. Double blind tests have proven time and time again, there is no relationship between price and performance. To further complicate things, different actual cables a... 
$300 Budget - help
Look for a Denon 47F, used, on e-bay but only if you can pick it up. Great starter, and a pick up will assure it works. Add a Shure 97 cartridge and you will be under 300, but tons of enjoyment. You may never need mega bucks stuff. 
Heard any good hybrid amps lately?
i second van alstine, no one does it better and they are great values. 
Help Turntable too far from preamp
Maybe a Leap Frog-Terk LF-30s would be worth a try. You could stream the phono to the receiver unit, which you plug in to your pre. I have one of these units and it sounds pretty good. 
Tube Amp Noise with Klipsch Cornwall II
The sensitivity of the Klipsch is going to drive you crazy with tubes. There will always be noise, how much will depend on the tubes. You may be in for a lot of 'tube rolling' before you are satisfied. Your search for a quiet amp may be endless. 
HDMI confusion: Monoprice vs. Blue Jeans
Technically if each cable meets the 1.3 standard there should be no difference. Most cables, Monoprice and all others are sold on the basis they meet the standard. Having said that, each cable may not be meeting the standard due to manufacturing d... 
Can speakers be too large for a room
Yes. Hope you have read Floyd Toole's 'Sound reproduction' to assure you have not missed all the issues that could be affecting your sound. The speakers and room are what you are hearing, so it may not be the speakers but their placement, room tre... 
Can You Live With Crackling & Popping Noise?
clean, clean and more clean. Vinyl requires this ritual, forever. Might be time to return to your iPod. 
Your Favorite Traditional Ballad
Emmylou has got this nailed, look no further. 
Looking for the best CD 3-4k
Surprise yourself, purchase a $60 refurb Sony 595 from Sony Style and see if 3-4K is needed. This is a fearsome test of your ears, and how open minded you can be. Go where no audiophile dares to go, cheap. 
Review: Appogg Systems Isolation Platform Tweak
Seems a DIY sand box will be an alternative solution, at much less expense. It has been proven, time and time again, that short of a double blind test, your ears hear what they want to hear. Enjoy. 
The best small bookshelf speaker you ever heard?
ProAc Tablette's, original model. These things 'sing'. Have two pair which I've used for over twenty five years. They are still going strong. I use them on lead filled Chicago stands. I also have other ProAc units and some Roy Allison units. And y... 
Rules for matching subwoofers to room size
Think two, rather then one large. Two ten inch, front firing should do the trick. For a discussion of 'two' check out floyd toole's 'sound reproduction' book. I have two 12 inch NHT units and have been able to verify that when only one is used, th... 
Divorcing..Splitting the cd collection..
Go the mac mini route. It is faster and more stable. Best your wife pay you for the cds via buying you the mac mini. Otherwise, buy her the mini and you keep the cd's. I would not value the actual cds at more then $1 each. So, before going to a se...