
Responses from buconero117

Phono preamp
Don't wast your time. Go right to a ARC, Ph5. 
Best 5.1 ONLY receiver every made?
Best to split, and get a pre-pro that you feed to separate amps, two, three or five at a time. Interga 9.9 is the real killer for sound quality and value. 
Next step: tube pre or tube power amp?
Tube pre is the way to go. The load to the speakers you have is better if it comes from a SS amp. 
Sony TTS 3000 turntable repair
Don't waste time on the Sony site as you will find many, many outdated links. Best way to solve is replace as the processor's needed are long gone. 
Sub $500 CDP
Best bet is to look for a refurb Sony 595 CD/SACD changer on SonyStyle. They come in and out of stock, so you must check weekly on Monday afternoon. So, for $60, often with shipping included you get a unit that puts many hi end units to shame. Bes... 
How large is your music collection?
The way to determine if it large enough is to calculate 'time to death', which is assumed to be when you are 76 years old. So, if you started now to listen to each item in your collection would you die before completing the task? Yes, the older yo... 
Foam Plugs
ProAC provides plugs with some of their speakers, for the reason rodman99999 mentioned. Try is the best way to hear the difference. 
CD Player Under $1.5k With Vinyl Sound
No such thing. Don't waste you time and money looking. Be happy, enjoy. Also, try to listen to some good pre-recorded reel tapes. Since they are analog, it might make you aware of what you are hearing, cd vs vinyl but in reality analog vs. digital... 
Transfer of Library to a back-up External HD
I think DRM is at work in not letting you do the copy. Check the iTunes blogs for details. 
Buy new TV now or wait for 3D technology?
I think the Sony organic displays will show up first. If you have seen the twelve inch model you will want to wait. 3D is almost a decade way, at least at price points you can afford. I have a Samsung CRT HD set and a Sony front projector for movi... 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
Only a twelve step program will work, for you. Search google and I am sure you will find a group near you. 
Dorm Room Amp/Preamp
used Cayin, tubes. Will drive anything you fit in a dorm room. Of course, the tubes will be cool, cool, cool. Enjoy 
Verity Audio Leonore and Finn
Like most people in this hobby, you have already let price steer your ears. Hopefully, you will do a double blind test before you make up your mind. Anything less feeds into the 'must be better, if higher price' mind set. Best way to hear is to br... 
KEF 107 - opening them? + other questions
Dump them, repair is not cost effective and the sound will not please you. 
What do I buy? Klipsch vs. Definitive Technology
You may want to consider using a pair of subs, rather then a single unit. A lot of good subs out there. For a discussion and analysis of why two, check out Floyd Toole's new book 'Sound Reproduction' Long before I read Toole's stuff, I started usi...