
Responses from buconero117

To mod or not to mod, dac is the question
Mod's are never cost effective given the small if any improvement in sound they produce. Couple that with the fact they void the warranty, makes a no mod approach best. Used equipment is another story. 
I would like some feedback on a int. amp
Please reconsider 100 wpc given the room size. At least 200wpc power is a must, otherwise you will be very disappointed. Of course tubes are out, solid state is the only way to go, especially with your budget. 
Current Inexpensive CD Vs High Priced 90's
Buy a refurb Sony 595 cd/sacd changer from Sonystyle for $60 and let your ears be the judge. If you don't like it, Sony will pick it up and refund all your money. Scary, you may never look back. 
Lacking Soundstage - Vandersteen 2C
Try a screen on the wall less side. As others have mentioned, your room maybe too small. 
Opinions re Thorens tables
Thorens are excellent tables, when like all tables they are properly set up. If buying used, a must is to pick it up. No shipping, or 'you will be sorry.' Have it demo'd before you finalize the sale. 
Do I need a record mat?
News Alert: Acrylic platters are now obsolete. They have been replaced by alumimum, VPI says. Harry finally listened to the customers. Bare acrylic can be improved with some of the better mats. Best to try different types, all should improve the s... 
LCD TV, how does it affect your 2 channels
All are correct in that a large expanse of glass centered behind the speakers takes away from the depth, whether the speakers are at TV level or not. I had a window and a CRT TV directly behind the speakers. I found that covering the window with e... 
Most beneficial change .
room treatment 
Mini cd system for $500?
Start with a refurb cd/sacd player Sony 595, about $60 from Sonystyle, when in stock. Best value, great sound. 
High End and cables and tin ears....
Let us put 'blind' into the mix. Do I deny that some people can hear a difference in cables, no. Do I believe 'double blind' testing/comparison is the only true way to compare, yes. Most double blind comparison's have found that price tells you no... 
Micro Acoustics vs Grace F-9 MM's
I have, like Rauliruegas, all the mentioned cartridges. My opinion is the Ruby sounds best. It is running in a Sony x800 linear tracking table. I also have a Shure V, but I give the edge to the Ruby. Well worth a listen. Ruby's have gotten pricey ... 
Phono pre-amps with volume control
VAS, Citation I 
Total spent on music vs equipment?
I hold my equipment dollars at $10K, I sell and buy with that ceiling, never to be exceeded. Music is over $100k and growing. Includes all types of digital media plus analog in lps, tapes (all kinds). Enjoy the music. 
New cdp.
Be bold. Buy a refurb Sony 595 for $60 at Sony Style. If you don't like it they will take it back and refund all your money. Great sound, great price. It may change your thinking on price/value for all the audio products you buy. 
Extending speaker wire?
I second, a new pair rather then 'extended' fix. Try Home Depot for 12 gauge speaker cable. You will be amazed.