
Responses from buconero117

Heavy Speakers with Spikes on a Concrete Floor
Maple is in effect telling you to decouple the speakers from the floor. Their are many materials that could do that, at much less expense. The issue is do the speakers you have benefit from one method vs. the other. Only trying it out will tell yo... 
Alternate speaker stand damping material...
Lead, lead and more lead. I know, dangerous, but if properly handled and sealed in the columns in an outdoor space, it will do the best to improve the sound. 
Cleaning AC plugs, receptacles and other contacts
Sand paper, very fine grit would work best. Then clean them with alcohol spray and let dry, not wiping. Chemical contact enhancers do far more to regrade the contact, then providing any real benefit. 
Cayin a88t mods
Don't. I have the 88 and 100 and explored the mods with a couple of tube mod people and they suggested that since it would 'change' the sound the unit was designed to emulate, you would be better off looking at other tube units. Mod's, for the cos... 
ProAc Response D1
I have listened to the d1 on a loan from a dealer. I have the 1sc. The sound was different, with my preference the 1sc. Whether it was the lack of a a break-in, or factory issues on the D1, I could not tell. When the price is right I will order fr... 
where to place equipment rack?
Hopefully your rack does not have a TT on it, for if it does the location is the worse place to be. The amount of acoustic energy that it receives will destroy its ability to play properly. Go with long speaker cables as it is more cost effective ... 
Suggestions 4 surround processor w/newest formats.
interga 9.9 is about advanced as you get today, but as you know this will followed by more changes. It will not end until you have departed the scene. 
amplifier impedance
Mostly likely the 8 ohm would be best. With most tube amps the actual impedance is rather unstable, one reason most people like solid state units. As for safe, hard to tell without knowing the make and model of speakers being used. 
Can you run a R2R Tape Deck thur the SP11 preamp?
Yes, reel to reel will work well with the sp11, either the tape inputs or any of the line levels ones. Enjoy 
Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?
No, I have not heard the 7. If the past is any guide, you will be disappointed. Don't fool around, go directly to Wilson's. Aside from the tweeter, everything else is just gliz in overpriced furniture. The acid test for speakers in that price rang... 
Modifications to California Audio Labs/CAL Delta?
I have the Delta/Alpha and considered your idea. Gave it up as mods to mechanical units are never sucessful. I did try other transports in feeding the Alpha, but never found any improvement. So, I still mostly listen to the Alpha/Delta on Red Book... 
Horns for HT?
klipsch, again. No other provides the punch. Khorns with a center Belle would be ideal. I've had such a set up when I built my Media Room. Never looked back. For $5K you will be in heaven. 
Speaker audition: a novice’s journey
First, if you have not already done so, get a copy of Floyd Toole's 'Sound Reproduction'. With that education behind you, you are ready to 'listen', in the room the speakers will be placed. Find a dealer that will loan you the speakers that you ar... 
"Get Better Sound"
An alternative and good addition to 'Better' is 'Sound Reproduction' from Floyd Toole. I am partial to the idea that 95% of 'better sound' lies in the speakers, placement and room treatment. Matching a speaker to a room is where the hard work lies... 
room acoustics: bonded logic, homasote, or...
The speaker/room needs to be analyzed before embarking on a 'fix' & enhacement. There is plenty of free software out there, 'Room EQ Wizard' for one. It is available at hometheatershack.com. You mentioned that you have finalized the speaker pl...