
Responses from buconero117

Linn lp 12 upgrade or new TT ? please help.
New. Upgrade is a costly route that will generally not produce the same change. 
Turntable in $155-2500 range
With kids, best to go for a used Denon 47F with a Denon 160 cartridge. Great sound, great value, fully automatic, which the kids will love since they never have to touch the arm. I have one, and also a VPI high-end table with a Clearaudio $2K cart... 
after 15 yrs w/the same setup it's upgrade time
look for a ARC PH3SE, often seen for less then $1,000. 
Best tube amp under 3000$?
anything by cayin or vas 
Wool Rugs
Before moving on to the rug I suggest you stop a future problem by laying down a plywood floor over 2x4's. While it will not stop a flood, it will give ample protection from small spills. You can put the vinyl over the plywood and still use the rug. 
No preamp 'Balance' control?
Before long, you will be asking for a 'loudness' control. Remember those? I am often amazed that the hi-end thinks convience controls takes away from the 'purity' of the sound. How silly. I have a tube pre-amp with separate channel controls. I sel... 
How much difference does a phono stage make?
Look for the PH3SE, it is worth the $150 more difference. I had the PH3 and then the PH3SE. Plenty of difference. Great value. The 5 and 7 are also good but not good values. 
beatle remasters on vinyl?
Vinyl people will be very disappointed as the source for the vinyl is the digital product. Best to go find the original vinyl that was cut from analogue tapes. 
An honest opinion about upgrading?
Don't, until you have done a complete room analysis. You need to understand what the 'room' is hearing. Room treatments are the best way to upgrade before considering spending more. Get the 'room' curve as flat as possible with the speakers you ha... 
Describe the ideal high end audio dealership
loaner's, loaner's and more loaner's. How the unit sounds in your rig/room is what it is all about. And yes, these dealer's are very hard to find, especially if you are not in a metro area. Next best thing is a 100% refund within 30 days if you re... 
Lightning Strike
File the claim for everything, power up means nothing and a claims adjuster should know that. Otherwise, the adjuster is trying to rip you off. Be sure he understands that you will let him take all the units away. Let the adjuster pay for the 'ele... 
digital front end to rival best vinyl?
Doesn't exist. What you are comparing is analogue to digital. Stop chasing the 'analogue' sound, just live with digital. Remember it is the source that should be compared. I've listened to some blu-ray audio mastered from the analogue tapes on som... 
Denon POA-1500 Stereo Amp
Will work well with Klipsch, but the amp is overkill. Just a matter of time and you blow out that speaker. 
Benz Wood SH vs Clearaudio Maestro Wood Cartridge
Not interested in budget gear? The high-end loves you. Seek great sound, not price. If you stay in this hobby and let price be your guide, you will miss some of the great gear. I point you to the Shure V's, which today beat many cartridges costing... 
Subwoofer Set Up
Two subs from the start. Check out Floyd Toole's comments on this area, in his book 'Sound Reproduction'