
Responses from br3098

What separate tube phono stage do you use ?
Any chance of a photo(s) of the interior of your PAB Croft.noromance, I will do so as soon as I can.  I painted the living room last weekend and have everything packed away.  Now it's a rush to restore the room before Thursday.I used to be a dea... 
What separate tube phono stage do you use ?
+1 on the recommendation for Croft.  I'm using a Pear Audio Classic Phono, designed and built by Glenn Croft.  It's easily the best sounding MM phono preamp I have ever owned and it plays nicely with all of my SUTs for MC needs. 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
Will no one rid me of this troublesome thread? 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
tangramca, actually I am a former (recovering) dealer.  If I had the answer to your question I would probably still be a dealer today.In the 1970s and into the 80s there used to be dealers like you describe; I worked for one in the 1970s.  But the... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
tangramca:  If I was trying out a $5K cart, I would happily pay a hundred bucks (2% of the potential purchase price) to have it installed by an approved tech.I don't know where you live, but I live in L.A.  A "local" customer could be 100 miles a... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
To my fellow Audiogoners,I apologize for violating my own policy and responding with reason and emotion to (what I consider to be) a silly thread.  I will avoid feeding the creature from here on forward. 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer... Koetsu dealer told me that it is actually cheaper to fly into Japan for a few days, buy the cartridge there and enjoy the visit, than it is to get ripped off by the likes of Music Direct and their repacious profiteering with these cartridg... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
...since many of you seem to have no problem with being completely ripped off in this endeavor...If you have a better way to offer high-end cartridges to the select few high-end audio buyer, please put your money where your "mouth" is and show us ... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
daveyf,Dude, you just HAVE to be a millennial.  Good luck dealing with the real world! 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
daveyf: Given your last post, I can see that you have absolutely no clue as to what the high end cartridge consumer is faced with.With all due respect, that's BS.  I'm a high-end cartridge consumer.  I will admit that I have no clue as to what yo... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
daveyf, yes I read everyone's comments that were before my response.  I didn't quote you specifically because mine was more of a general response.  But I feel that my comments apply to your post as well.  You are complaining about cartridge availa... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
Jeez, what a bunch of whiny b1thches!  You guys need to grow a pair and put on some big boy pants.I'm not going to defend uber-priced cartridges.  I will say that if you can make a top-flight MC cartridge for less money, please go ahead.  And I wo... 
Anyone using the Pete Riggle Woody?
Yes, at least on my deck and using the GM MkII E and the Mono 65 SPUs.  But that's my point.  IMO I wouldn't pay more than the Schick and have to put up with the setup/adjustment hassle of the Woody, unless it sounded a LOT better.But there are gu... 
Anyone using the Pete Riggle Woody?
I have assisted a friend in setting up a Woody SPU tonearm.  Here are my impressions:Pros:once adjusted, it sounds great.Cons:1- it's the ultimate fiddler's tonearm - it requires infinite patience to setup and almost constant tweaking and adjustme...