

Responses from bombaywalla

Tweeter Distortion
As I was reading the replies in this thread, I was thinking that the probability that the speakers are bad was going to be low. It's hard to destroy speaker drivers - you have to try hard quite with destruction on your mind. It's possible to do bu... 
asymmetric apodizing filter
The word "apodization" literally means "cutting off the foot" but in signal processing & in optics it is a technical term that means adjusting signal using a windowing function so that the resulting adjusted signal shows some favourable proper... 
Anyone in Cincinnati, OH?
Brian, just from the feedback provided by the others. How does finding a few good people make Cincinnati a good town - according to your post?BTW, I'm NOT trying to discredit Cincinnati by any stretch of the imagination so don't get me wrong here.... 
Anyone in Cincinnati, OH?
sounds like a depressing place....... 
Headphone amp combo ideas?
04-29-12: PodeschiHeadline looks cool - never heard it before. I imagine Naims pace and punch would be a good match. It's specs show it should easily drive 600 ohm T1s. Nice thing about Beyerdynamic A1 head amp is I bet they voiced te T1s with it,... 
Increasing height of stand-mount -- what to expect
Usually speaker manuf design speakers such that the woofer distance from the floor is a specific amount. This relates to the woofer coupling to the floor for the intended bass response. Moving the speaker up chnages this distance & chnages the... 
Is my Pass amp overheating?
Here's the most interesting part: Increasing the bias also improves the sound quality. A LOT. good call Elizabeth! right on the money.....Yes, increase in bias for a class-A will improve sound quality. This is a well-known fact. It is not used by ... 
I think my speakers are killing my amps.
you know, planar speakers (electro-static or true ribbon or quasi ribbon) could be a very capacitative load to the power amp. This means that, due to this highly capacitative load, the power amp could break out into ultrasonic oscillations. As a s... 
Martin Logan Spires or Magnepan 3.7?
looks like this is a change for the sake of a change & that there's nothing insufficient in the M-L Spire for your particular listening needs.I was never an advocate of change for the sake of change but then the audio industry survives on this... 
size of the driver
You can add 6dB for a floor mounted woofer (as in many 3-ways), 6dB if there are a pair of bass drivers, and 6dB at the cross-over point to a sub-woofer....Drew, why are you adding 6dB? It's power output, you should be adding 3dB in each case. 
DAC/Pre's Digital attenuation vs. analog
04-26-12: Ivan_nosniborHi Robert, whether going digital or analog with attenuation it's all really about the impedance matching. please explain this statement as I do not understand how digital attenuation & impedance matching of source & ... 
Why does better power = better sound?
…but what about these…3. ???????? = greater perceived resolution4. ???????? = more realistic instrument timbres5. ???????? = more precise imagingI believe that several before me have already hinted strongly at it - lower distortion equals better r... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
04-23-12: Audiofreak32To summarize....I guess we have concluded just the opposite - that 24/192 is a VERY GOOD idea actually,....I don't know how you concluded this? I concluded that there is no need for 24/192 - 24/96 suffices as it solves the is... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
Kijanki, u could have answered your own question about ultrasonics from 192K sampling now that you have answered the question of power bandwidths of power amps. Now you can see why a power amp would be nonlinear in the ultrasonic range & why t... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
Kijanki thanx for that info on power amp freq bandwidth. I suppose that many more amps are higher freq bandwidth than I imagined but I don't know how many of these have the same number for power bandwidth? Any idea?