

Responses from bombaywalla

Disadvantages of OP amps in output stage of CD?
I was informed that "op amps" in the output stage of a CD player can produce thin, less full, and bright sound quality in the upper midrange,(which I have heard on my CD player) In addition, I was advised that these digital by-products can be redu... 
So Many Apogees for sale, and so few takers
Viridian,appreciate your very civil response. :-) 
So Many Apogees for sale, and so few takers
08-01-12: ViridianYes, why wouldn't anyone want monolithc speakers that take up the whole end of the listening room and are so inefficient and reactive that amps almost.....Viridian, just FYI, the Apogee speakers are not reactive. Ribbons are rare... 
How much power is enough for B&W Nautilus 804's?
Almarg,excellent comments & observations esp. #1 as I was also thinking along the same lines. I've bashed B&W enough here (despite being a former B&W owner OR maybe because I was once a B&W owner) that I decided to stay away. ;-)Th... 
Check this video out. Quite amazing.
07-21-12: DavehrabTwo guys playing piano HERELMAO!! Trust you Dave to find such piano playing "expertise"!! ;-) 
Scaling down
my experience w/ a small(er) system is different & more positive that yours: my bedroom system costs  
Amp preamp impedance matching...can anyone explain?
07-19-12: Dracule1I have a tube DAC that uses a single 6SN7 tube with 1 microfarad coupling caps. I was told it has 8 kohm output impedance. that is correct. impedance at 20Hz = 1/2*pi*20Hz*1e-6 = 7957.7Ohms, which could be rounded up to 8KOhms. T... 
Forty bucks well spent....
07-23-12: MarakanetzTmsorosk, What happend next after you hit a piece of paper with lazer pointer?yeah, I want to know the answer to this question as well. I.E. what is the figure of merit to know which pen colour is better?Did you measure the amo... 
PurePower APS power cord
07-21-12: Foster_9Bombaywalla, looking at your Systems I don't see a Purepower listed. Do you have one and what power cord do you use?correct I do not use the PurePower AC regen in my system - I use a PS Audio P300 AC regen. Different make/model b... 
PurePower APS power cord
PurePower APS users, do you see any improvement using an aftermarket power cord to supply power to the PurePower unit? It's an AC regenerator, so I'm wondering if a nice cord upfront would make any difference....oh sure it will! And, the reason is... 
More delays on ARC Ref 5 Upgrade
07-16-12: BifwynneKeith, is your comment about a Ref 6 a facitious quip or something you actually heard?looks like you have a serious case of upgraditis!! ;-) 
Tara Labs cables sound
I have Focal speakers which are highly detailed and can get a little too precise sometimes. I added Cardas Golden Ref, ICs and it did the trick. Mechans, what you are listening to is phase distortion in the Focals & (happily) called it 'highly... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Ok, another question, does Medical grade mean it was made to tighter tolerances ....What 'medical grade' means that the instrument will not spark nor will it create an electric shock hazard in the hospital environment both of which can be extremel... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
It states "The leakage current is the lowest 10uA or less for the most stringent applications." Does anyone know what that means ? yeah.normally, when a transformer is designed the intention is to keep the magnetic flux in the primary confined str... 
The finest Cable Elevators you ever auditioned?
Ha, ha, ha, ha!! ROTFLMAO! I've had a very good laugh at all your posts. Thanx for the levity. And, good to see that the original poster Mike60 was a good sport & joined in the fun (rather than being pissed off that his post took a silly turn)...