

Responses from bombaywalla

Amplifier Capacitance
excellent reply Kijanki.Aewhistory, if you read my reply & Kijanki's you should have all your questions answered. :-) 
Amplifier Capacitance
Okay, naive question of the day: except for cost and perhaps size limitations inside the casing, why don't manufacturers go bonzo large on capacitance? For instance, I'm thinking of replacing the caps in this damaged Hafler DH220 I've got and, whi... 
PurePower what are your thoughts?
Pity as it is superior to the PS Audio similar products.how do you know this? did you swallow their campaign literature hook, line & sinker? OR, do you have your own personal experience to back-up this statement? OR, are you simply mouthing of... 
So how does this apply to speaker cables?
Answer: It doesn't: except that George Cardas uses the Golden Ratio in his cable design (& always did). He's of the opinion that this is the "correct" way to design hyper-litz cables.....So, maybe your statement isn't totally true?? 
Convergent Audio Technology SL1 Reference
unfortunately for you (& all other CAT owners), the only way to get replacement parts is to get in touch w/ CAT. The codes on all passive parts is a special CAT-only code such that only CAT has the exact replacement parts. It is my understandi... 
Beware purepower inc
I *think* that the thread has been removed but just a few months ago member "Glory" had THE SAME issues with Purepower Canada. He was given a major run-around by the Canadians & had an overall hellish experience. I *think* that he eventually r... 
PreAmp Gain and Impact on Amp
Question; if you increase the gain output of your preamp does this ease the workload on your amp(s)? If your preamp gain goes from 10db to 15 db then you should be able to adjust your volume control down to reach the same volume level at the liste... 
Forgiving, musical speaker....
09-06-12: DrubinOlder PSB is a good idea. Maybe something from Green Mountain Audio. I wonder why you think that Green Mtn Audio speakers are polite & unsuited to rock music? I've owned a pair & have listened to several other models both a... 
Congestion, clarity problems gone: M.R. RM-9
09-04-12: Clio09Thanks for the update. The RM-9 is a great amp. Since you have the MkI version down the road you might consider sending it to Roger to be upgraded to MkII. ach, I see Clio09 got here before me!! ;-) With no disrespect to Clio09, IM... 
overpowering and loud listening.
My concern is they have a manufacturing recommended power rating of 300 w and the owner was using Pass x 6oo's to power them. given that the manuf has a higher power rating for them & that the owner used X600 to power them is a very good thing... 
Richard Gray and Transparent: compatible?
are entire audio club has shed themselves of this garbage. I have tried MANY power conditioners and there was none worse than Richard Gray...absolutely ruined the sound.i don't know what you guys are talking about. I have a RG 400 Mk1 unit for cl... 
Conrad Johnson dedicated fansite
08-22-12: Steveaudio"There is a "troubleshooting" topic area on conradjohnsonowners.com so that may be a good place to post your issue. Maybe somebody can give some advise about repairing it."Well, I'd do that if I could find out from C-J repair w... 
Need help from smart people - biamping
here's some more info for you re. biampinghttp://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1274907651&openflup&4&4#4i like Eldartford's phrase that this should be called "dual amping" because biamping means something different (where ... 
Local dealer has ESP
Local dealer has ESP i think you need to change the title of your post to "Local dealer IS ESP" where ESP stands for 'extremely stupid person'! ;-) 
Disadvantages of OP amps in output stage of CD?
As it stands now, I have ran 550C to about 100 hours burn-in, and 25 hrs actually play time. you know, this just might not be enough time to break-in the mods. all Accuphase components need 500 hrs minimum. I've heard this for many other component...