

Responses from bombaywalla

How goofy is this?
IMHO I think that this is not totally goofy. What you are hearing could be an improvement in sonics. The parallel/shot-gun biwiring does present a different impedance of the speaker to the power amp compared to a single run speaker cable & tha... 
Need info on amp rec. for these Thiel cs2.4's
04-17-12: Last_lemming...............What im ultimately interested in when it comes to how "D" amps work is if there is a loss of information like some say when comparing Vinyl and CD players. The Class D amps work a the principle of an on/off nat... 
Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?
The way I read it my current speaker system stinks compared to the 1.5's, nothing to do with my post ... make sense?I'm sorry but I did not get that. In this thread there was a person who had lived with VR2s for a long time thinking like you do th... 
Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?
04-13-12: BogiedrBombaywalla, I read your review and I was quite impressed. In fact your review had a lot to do with me even auditioning these. Having said that;1. Do you think a Sansui AU-717 will be enough power? (85 watts, old school measuremen... 
Why do planars have poor bass extension?
except that I would not describe good cone bass necessarily as "boom-boom-boom"Mapman, I suppose your key phrase here is "good cone bass"! How many such speaker systems exist today? Most of the speakers in the market are indeed boom-boom-boom. In ... 
Why do planars have poor bass extension?
Why do planars have poor bass extension?..........................Sideshowgabemaybe because you've never heard a good planar setup?? I'm with Ptmconsulting on this matter - my bass is fast, tight, tuneful & goes as low as the room will support... 
Record cleaning fluids
04-12-12: SyntaxIt is not a fluid, but it works and is cheapThe tool for the vinylmatic LOL! maybe 1-time use. when you are in the doctor's office or the hospital for ingestion of toxic substances then it's not so cheap anymore!! ;-) 
Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?
yeah, I used to own a pair of Green Mountain C1.5i from 2003-2008. They are very good speakers & I loved them. They made music sound like music each time. I have no experience with the Dahlquist speakers so I cannot compare. Setup is important... 
Another speaker cable question?
Listening results are that 12awg presents a vailed sound with more pronounced but slightly muddier bass. The 18 awg is much more enjoyable.Nick, what you are doing w/ your DIY speaker cable project is commendable 'cuz there's nothing like doing &a... 
Did I blow my tube amp?
Vu001,it's a bad idea to turn on a tube amp without a speaker load since tube amps always have a power output transformer where the primary winding is connected to the output tubes & the secondary winding is connected to the speaker binding po... 
Best isolation under a big receiver ?
Timtim, there's not hard & fast rule for isolation. different solutions work for different people. For example, I have my amp sitting on its factory feet but I've got the amp sitting on my home-made amp stand which is a sandwich of hard maple ... 
Impedance in headphones vs. speakers - confused
Theres's only one thing that I still don't understand. Why is it that an iPod or iPhone won't get stressed out delivering the current required for 32 ohm headphones (apple earbud's or a pair of Grado's for example) but my $3000 integrated amplifie... 
Going to Munich, what should I not miss seeing?
I fondly remember my trip to Munich in 2010. Like Albert Porter wrote, you must go to the BMW Museum. It really is fantastic. About a 1/2 day's worth excursion.The 2nd place I really loved was the Deutches Museum - this is a museum of natural hist... 
Impedance in headphones vs. speakers - confused
So my new integrated amplifier states in the manual that only headphones with a minimum of 50 ohms should plugged into the headphone jack. So I take it this means that there is not a lot of current available through the amp powering the headphones... 
Impedance in headphones vs. speakers - confused
Thank you for your kind words Elizabeth. That was indeed gracious of you....