

Responses from bombaywalla

Active vs. regular speaker cable non active
This is just my opinion so take it FWIW-I personally consider making cables tunable as a basic flaw. I've read some material from a particular manuf for the case for making speaker cables tunable but I do not buy into it at all. I've also a friend... 
Diversity of opinion over what
Yes, I think that Jmcgrogan2 nailed it. I personally do not use the word synergy (it's a bad word in my vocubulary) but use 'impedance matching' instead but the undelying principal is the same. Electrically the amplifier must be able to drive the ... 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
05-31-12: PtmconsultingIs there a way to put someone on "auto-ignore" on these forums?LOL! yeah Audiofreak32 is turning out to be a consumate a-hole.he does not realize that the harder he peddles Linn DS the more people he is turning off... 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
What I DO notice is that the article is >10 years old and doesn't deal specifically with the proprietary asynchronous USB technology developed by Gordon Rankin of Wavelength - which appears to address the jitter and clock issues inherent in the... 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
yeah Audiofreak32 seems to rub people the wrong way a lot & he's done that in one too many threads. He (it does not look like it's a 'she') indulges himself in this audio forum but provides no useful information (which the very essence of bein... 
Robin Gibb R. I. P.
yeah, you're right the Gibb brothers had some very bad luck with Andy, Maurice & now Robin Gibb. Some bad mojo in the family it looks like.I like their music too (tho' in this country (USA) disco seems to get a terrible rap).... 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
is that a class-D amplifier is a very minor tweak of a switched-mode power supply (SMPS)05-22-12: KijankiBombaywalla - it is the other way around. Class D was invented tweaking SMPS.Kijanki, I think that we are saying the same thing.... :-) 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
You will find PWM modulation in other places where it has nothing to do with efficiency. For instance SACD is the same as class D before filtering (operating at 2.8MHz). Also Sigma Delta DAC operates on the same principle.Kijanki, what you wrote i... 
Explain Class A amp to non audiophile friends
OK, here's an explanation for your non-audiophile friends & for you:class-A amplifiers are a class of power amplifiers where the output transistors (or output stage) driving the loud speakers are always on & are always dissipating the maxi... 
Best Jazz pianist
Another person I like (who plays in the same vein as Oscar Peterson) is Gene Harris. Some of his works are really very good - you often ask "is that Oscar P playing?".... 
Need understanding on amperage
agree, Dhl93449 calculations showed the delta-V (or droop) across the power supply cap to be 24V meaning that the final voltage after 10mS would be 80V-24V=56V but at this point in time the fuse would have blown (per the Littlefuse data sheet) as ... 
Do your speakers have enough "freshness"
Golly 'fresh' is such a lame term to use to describe anything to do with speakers! I would like to know if it's not asking too much how you even came up with the adjective 'fresh' for speakers??Surely you could have trolled the extensive audiogon ... 
Do glass shelves affect sound Quality?
like some of the other members I use a bit of glass under my CDP & have not had any issues with the sound for the last 10 years. I tried granite & marble - both made the sound harsh. I know why. I also tried a teak wooden shelf & that ... 
Got Noise?
05-10-12: DodgealumI played around a little last night and here is where we are:I confirmed that the noise is ONLY present when the amp is on. I can turn on any/all other components and don't hear the hissing sound......According to me, you'll onl... 
asymmetric apodizing filter
Welcome Timlub - glad that you found the info useful. yeah, that's the beauty of forums - the replies are there for all to read & learn & comment.