

Responses from bombaywalla

Is it safe
03-15-12: Wolf_garcia...you know...now that I think about it, maybe my sister is bipolar.LOL! so, you get ear-grating, harsh distortion from her??? ;-) 
When Bi-amping is there change in sensitivity
here's the earlier thread on bi-amping that Almarg was alluding to:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1331402108&&&/Bi-amp-questionand here is a really good article on real bi-amping:http://sound.westhost.com/bi-amp.htm 
Is it safe
03-15-12: ElizabethThanks for the great clarification Almarg.And, as usual..LOL! bombaywalla is off the markYeah I like to rub it in too.LOL, Elizabeth!! not only do you a massive lack of understanding of electronics (as exemplified by your many b... 
What determines good distortion?
I'm sure there are some things that could be done to even the Mona Lisa to make it more appealing to some, but that would result in a reproduction that is distorted in some way but for good reason perhaps. Would that be wrong?given the contents of... 
Is it safe
Wilson667, the guys here are full os s$$$ re. answering your question - it should be OK for you to connect both sources to the Jolida jd502p PROVIDED ONLY ONE SOURCE IS SWITCHED ON AT ANY TIME & THE OTHER SOURCE IS SWITCHED OFF i.e. OFF OFF/CO... 
Bi-amp question
Ok... I have recently purchased a set of psb synchrony ones and a NAD M3 amp(180 wpc)... if were to add another amp, say a Rotel RB-1170(130 wpc) for bi-amping... which way would make the most sense to wire them up? NAD for the Highs and Rotel for... 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
02-28-12: BranislavEldartford, makes you wonder how many high end manufacturers are using the same tactics?Branislav, EVERONE of them does without exception!! don't think too hard about this as it'll make your head spin & might even get you ri... 
Shout Out to Stealth Cables
at the cost of the Stealth Indra the service better be the way you have described! anything less would be totally unacceptable.... 
What time do you wear?
10-07-11: AlbertporterI've never heard of a number close to $2000 for routine maintenance. Something seems amiss if the watch is as pristine as you state. That quote was from Omega Switzerland, however the dealer could be adding substantial markup... 
FM Radio is dead ....R.I.P
OK, thanx for the feedback. I've learnt a few things here -* Pandora's raison d'etre is to play music LIKE the artist of your choice.* subscribe to Rhapsody Music service* use the thumbs up/down feature in Pandora. No, Onemug, I was not using this... 
FM Radio is dead ....R.I.P
question for you guys: what do you listen to on streaming internet radio?I've several apps on my iPhone for internet radion such as Pandora, TuneIn Radio, Radio Paradise & Jazz Radio.In Pandora, I have several "radios" such as Coleman Hawkins ... 
Stupid speaker test question...please help a n00b
02-21-12: Drew_eckhardt.....I speculate that these reasons are why first order designs don't sound natural.quite in disagreement with you on this. you clearly state you are speculating - have you heard any true 1st-order x-over speakers? Merely ha... 
Stupid speaker test question...please help a n00b
02-21-12: Spartanmorninglol thanks guys. i have to say i can't think of another field that is operates in this much of a grey area regarding performance. imagine if cars, computers, machines, or any other engineering devices operated like this. Qu... 
GNSC has closed . . .
Sad to read this (yes, I did go over to the GNSC website. I also read Steve's blog where it said that he was employed by Resolution Audio since Nov 2011). So, does anyone know who will modify Wadia equipment from now on? The techs he's mentioned w... 
Question for you B&W Guys
Well, looks like there's some progress made here - Dancer's cleaned up his spellings! He's writing "bass" now instead of "base". :-) Maybe the brain-crunching to decide 803 or 804 finally undid the brain-knot that was creating incorrect spellings?...