

Responses from bombaywalla

Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
Onhwy61, yes most of the electronics today is still well below 100KHz bandwidth. Hi-end does not mean hi bandwidth; it means better sonics in the 20-20K band. It might be easier for preemie to extend to 10s of KHz above 20K but for power amps to h... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
put it into a device that could only add noise and jitter and eventually will fail (drive, optics), ....hey Audiofreak32, don't talk about hardware failures! With your being sold on computer playback you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes ... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
I found this nice article called "A Beginner’s Guide to High Resolution Downloads of Music". here is the link:http://audaud.com/2012/03/a-beginners-guide-to-high-resolution-downloads-of-music/In this article is a para called "How hi-res should you... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
As for filters - look at typical response of 2and 8 pole 20kHz Bessel filter in dB:2pole 8pole20kHz -3 -322kHz -3.63 -3.6740kHz -9.82 -13.68 80kHz -20.32 -51.81Kijanki, you provided us w/ the freq resp of ANALOG Bessel filters. I agree with you &a... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
if you're not sold on hi-res.....fine. just don't tell me what i hear isn't for real and i'm "wrong".Levy03if you are sold on hi-rez, fine. I don't know what you are listening to - true hi-rez (which would mean the analog masters sampled at 96KHz ... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
04-20-12: KijankiAl, On one hand he has whole chapter titled "192kHz considered harmful" describing harm that 192kHz can do to amplifiers and speakers to later say this about oversampling:......Kijanki, all that the author is saying is that when s... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
04-20-12: Kijanki............Second nonsense is that digital filter can suppress 96dB within 4kHz without any problem. There is no filter in the world, digital or analog, that can do that (no matter how many poles) with even group delays (or line... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
Short high frequency bursts like cymbals will suffer the most of distortion. Kijanki, this one is for you: here is a wonderful thread showing frequency spectrum of various brand of cymbals: http://www.drummerworld.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66957... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
04-20-12: Onhwy61And what's wrong with mathematically perfect response out to 16kHz? Most people, and certainly most middle age and older audiophiles' hearing doesn't go beyond 16kHz.while it might be true that older ears do not have the 20-20K re... 
Presentation is Too Forward, where to start?
I sit in an office chair at the lowest setting and I'm 6'5" so my ears are 47" above the floor or a foot above the top of the speaker cabinets. OMG, that's most likely your problem. You are hearing nothing but high freq. Just the way drivers are c... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
I'm sorry Onhwy61 the referenced article is not nonsense. We are dealing with a pure digital signal until the output of the D/A. So, there are plenty of DSP techniques available to make this work without oversampling the heck out of the digital si... 
Presentation is Too Forward, where to start?
you're right Onhwy61 - I read it wrong! I went back & re-read it & it says "step response on tweeter axis at 50". My bad! 
Presentation is Too Forward, where to start?
My listening position is about 6 - 8 feet from the speaker plane.do you have an exact measurement of your listening chair from the speaker plane? 6-8' seems to imply that you move the chair around in that 2' region OR you move as your listening se... 
Focus on 24/192 Misguided?.....
yes, I seem to concur that 24/192 makes no sense. I never was a believer of the hi-rez scam that pervades the industry. There is also a nice article written by Dan Lavry on Lavry Engineering's website on why sampling upto a max of 24/96 makes sens... 
Need info on amp rec. for these Thiel cs2.4's
04-17-12: Mapman...Bombay, my point was that technically no amplifier in practice (as opposed to theory) is perfect, so there is always some information "loss" or perhaps transformation (not completely reversible) would be a better term.....Agree....