

Responses from bombaywalla

Impedance in headphones vs. speakers - confused
Yeah, I can understand your confusion!! I believe that it exists part because of your admitted lack of understanding of the subject & part because people do not always clearly explain what they mean when they write "easier to drive".In a nutsh... 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
04-03-12: NonoiseJust wanted to report back on what I've experienced.Crimony!Better focus and a loss of smear I didn't think I had. I'm able to hear deeper into the recordings. And all of this from a wool blanket draped over my widescreen TV and s... 
3 preamps with transformer hum, DC on the line?
one other thing you can try (which costs money, of course!) is to use a AC power regenerator (like one of thos PS Audio units P300, P600, P1200 or Power Plant Premier) or from PurePower.The AC power from your wall will be used to power the electro... 
Wadia help Please!
Systemdesigner,don't know whether you noticed or not but Lak asked this question in year 2000 i.e. 12 years ago!!! You think that he might still be waiting for a reply????? :-? 
Educate me please
saki70 ... you must have skipped class the day we discussed the 3 most common failures a CD player can experience ha, ha, ha, ha!! LOL, indeed! I see, Dave, that you are back (from the Depths of Mordor). BTW, I still have those ESP Essence power c... 
Ultrasonic Oscillation
Ultrasonic oscillation is basically a parasitic oscillation that would render the circuit (whether preamp or power amp) unstable &/or non-linear. 'Ulrasonic' would imply that the oscillation frequency is very high (compared to the audio signal... 
Wadia 171i iPod Dock having too much Base?
03-28-12: TamarasuHiIf you change the volume on your iPod, does it change the volume on your system? Mine does not? yes, in my system it does when using my iPod Classic 160GB. When I use my iPhone4 in the same dock (an Onkyo ND-S1) I get the messa... 
Thanks for the reco Newbee. I have a Coleman Hawkins meets Ben Webster - very nice indeed! 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
hey Granny, thanks for the clarification - your orig post gave NO indication of your being a veteran & having tried many other products & being disappointed. So, yeah, your later posts did put things in perspective. Sorry for the cheeky po... 
very romatic & well done By Scott H. Yeah, Stan Getz is even better but this piece seemed to hold it's own reasonably well....Thanks for sharing.which of his albums do you guys recommend?? thanks. 
Room treatment made me cry.......a little........
Amazing and not expected, at least not this level of improvement and emotional connection.I'm very happy for you now that you are so emotionally connected to your music during playback. Good job!I don't where you've been bwteen then & now but ... 
FM Radio is dead ....R.I.P
just a quick update: as omemug suggested, I used the thumbs up/down feature in Pandora & just like he wrote, the music station I was listening to became gradually better & better. I did actually enjoy listening to Pandora's music stream fo... 
When Bi-amping is there change in sensitivity
03-20-12: NgjockeyThis is why I don't turn the lights off. Don't want the electricity to build up in the wire like water behind a dam.:)LOL!! sheesh! don't confuse Manitunc any more...... 
When Bi-amping is there change in sensitivity
A correction: in the Wikipedia x-over plot, the y-axis is dB Gain (i.e. voltage), so the 2 rad/sec point is -12dB or 1/4th the ampltude at 0 rad/sec.All-the-same the point remains unchanged - freq above the x-over cause generation of very small am... 
When Bi-amping is there change in sensitivity
The preamp is feeding the full frequency range to the amplifier, which is amplifying that full frequency range and feeding it to a speaker's woofer, for instance. What happens to the part that is above that woofer's frequency cut off range.Manitun...