
Responses from bigtee

Advent 201 tapedeck: Is good for a modern setup?
In its day, the 201 was excellent. I have one of the originals. It was a "2 head" and compared to more current recorders, well, it just doesn't measure up. It was rolled at both ends and has a fairly high amount of flutter and distortion. I never ... 
Krell Resolution 1 or Vandy 3A sig
I was looking in Stereophile and the Krell was listed as $11,000 which would definitely put it closer to the 5A'sI do think the 3A Sigs are one of the great buys in all of audio. I think, from looking at the review only, that the Krell is a little... 
Vandersteen 2ci and 2ce
There was a slight change in the cabinet of the 2Ce vs. the 2Ci. The tweeter was changed from a 3/4" in the 2Ci to a 1" in the 2Ce. However, let me warn you of a small caveat. Some of the tweeters in the earlier 2Ce's are the same ones in the 2Ci.... 
Krell Resolution 1 or Vandy 3A sig
Perfect equipment for the 3A Sigs. 
Ayre CX7
Larry s, everytime Ayre does anything to one of their products, the serial number will change to reflect this in their production run. Mine is a 9M... indicating it has the latest upgrades incorporated since "M" is the latest production serial num... 
Ayre CX7
Have to really agree with Keith. It is an substantial upgrade in sonics. I just had them do my V5x.There is considerably difference in the sound of the older CX7's and the newer ones in a direct comparison. It is well worth the $. 
Ayre CX7
Go to the Ayre website and get the phone number. You'll get a quicker response by just calling. Michael is in charge of upgrades. 
Ayre CX7
It's $400 and I agree with Newbee, call Ayre. They're good people. On a side note, Ayre is up to the "M" series now on their serial numbers. They have made numerous improvements to the player since its introduction (before the "E" upgrade.)Ayre is... 
Is SACD a dead format?
Tbg, I totally agree with your video and computer driven assesment, especially video(the more direct effect on audio at this time.) Here again, everyone wants that convinence of an all-in-one system. I have talked to local dealers and without the ... 
Is SACD a dead format?
I don't think these formats wars really have anything to do with sound. If you look at the general buying public, do they care about a hi-rez format? No, they care about convinence. When the 8-track came out, it was convinence. Then the cassette t... 
Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10
Nothing wrong with the build quality of the JC-1! It is nothing short of amazing to get the parts quality inside that those bad boys (for the money or any other way you want to express that)exibit. I have seen a lot worse out of some much more exp... 
Is SACD a dead format?
I read an article the other day that Sony had pretty much abandoned the ship. It just never took off and I couldn't see it ever being more than a niche product for audiophiles (which account for how much of the market and what do the rest care?)At... 
Vandersteen 5A HighPass M5 Crossover
If it is truely 1m ohms(which I have never heard of in a SS amp), a custom filter would be required. What model and brand amp is this? You can always call the man himself. 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
I know of NO manufacture that will not say his design is the best compromise. However, as Sean says, some basic research is required into such design when you are going to spend this kind of money. I can only say from my research that [I] will sti... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
With the Vandersteen, the woofer amp and all components can be field repaired or taken out and returned to the factory if need be. You don't have to ship the speaker-thank God! Vandersteen has been in business since 1977. I really don't think he w...