
Responses from bigtee

Belles 150A Short Review
The 150a Hotrod and the Newer 150a Reference are not really anything alike. The 150a Reference is more of a spin off from the 350a. I have owned and used all 3 and can tell you the 150a Reference is the best of the bunch. It is superior to the 150... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
If you read my posts above, I tried to express the theme that it is probably wise for the general "Audiophile" to not get so immersed in crossover engineering and go out and listen for themselves to the various designs. I also stated that it was T... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
In response to the above, in Richard Hardesty's "Audio Perfectionist Journal Watchdog list," a letter was posted by Bud Fried that was aimed at JA in Stereophile for stating that time and phase were unimportant. He went own with an explanation and... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Skrivis, I was refering to major manufactures of well established companies. It is good to hear that Bud Fried's work is being carried on. I always had a ton of respect for him and was sorry to see his passing. Audio lost another great man. If I m... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
I have no doubt Jeff Joseph is a good designer based on his beliefs and having never met the man, I'll take your word that he is a good fellow(which I'm sure he is.) However, I'm of the camp that there is only one way to skin a cat. These two desi... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Roy, I played sax for over 30 years and I became sold on time and phase speakers when listening to this instrument as well as other woodwinds (and other various instruments.) Other speakers with high slopes just destroyed a lot of what should have... 
Upgrade DNA 1 OR Buy DNA 225
My understanding the 225 already has "B" level in it as is. The 225 vs the DNA 1? Go with the 225. It sounds better and is more powerful. 
Good preamp for Vandersteen and McCormack
I will chime in with an Audible Illusions L-1 or M3a. I used this very combination some years ago. A tube pre gives a little warmth to the presentation and takes a little of the high end edge off the McCormack. The McCormack pre's are also a good ... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
I have no doubt you build a quality product but so do a lot of others who believe in them as much as you. It's good that consumers have choices. If everyone liked the samething then we wouldn't need but one manufacturer! I'm all for driving the ec... 
Who makes quality sealed box speakers?
Aroc, Vandersteen uses a very unique arrangement. That so called passive radiator is actively driven below 35hz. The 8" driver acts in a sealed enclosure. The Vandersteen is sealed and is designed for a Q of about .7. 
Who makes quality sealed box speakers?
Well, Vandersteen for one. The 2ce sig, 3a sig and 5a's are all sealed designs. The 1c is a tuned transmission line. 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
I just wouldn't focus so much on design. I would focus on what I thought would satisfy me over the long haul or you will be one of those with speakers for sell every few months. This debate about time and phase coherent speakers vs steep slope wil... 
Need Help w/Audible Illusions Modulus 3a
The buffer in the tape loop essentially isolates the tape player circuitry from the preamp so there is no interaction. It would probably work but it is not a pass through. You would go through the active buffer circuit.Audible Illusions addressed ... 
Need Help w/Audible Illusions Modulus 3a
No pass through in the M3A. The tape loop is buffered. 
Is the SACD Format Flawed?
I don't think SACD is flawed. It is like any source, if you listen to a well recorded SACD, it sounds wonderful. If you listen to a poorly recorded disk, well, it sounds pretty rough.In a good overall system, CD's can sound excellent. You'll never...