
Responses from bigtee

Volume level mystery - can you solve it?
Maybe so, but I haven't always found this to be the case in real life as for actual levels(few other factors envolved.) I don't know about Linn equipment and the type of input configuration it has ( Jfets or whatever) I do know a lot of preamps li... 
Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?
Remember the "Law of diminishing returns?" Nothing in the world is a better example that audio. You can certainly quadruple your monetary outlay and easily end up with less than you have now. Everything in audio has turned so subjective that there... 
Volume level mystery - can you solve it?
When you use 2 amps instead of one (as you did,) your TOTAL input impedance has been changed being a factor of the two input impedances in parallel. This presents half the load to the preamp as that of one amp assuming that lugnut is right about t... 
Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?
Skip that last from you 
Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?
"High end" is the most over used word on this forum. As for mid-fi and hi-fi---what is really the difference? 1/2 hi-fi + 1/2 hi-fi = 1 whole - fi!!!!!!! Someone coined a phrase to attempt to part you from your money from you as Sean says. 
Vandersteen 5 and 5A owners
If your preamp and amp are truly balanced, then better performance will be achieved using the XLR(especially noise cancellation.) Otherwise, use single ended. Just remember, just because an amp or preamp has XLR connectors doesn't mean it is truly... 
Volume level mystery - can you solve it?
A couple of people hit on it above. The input sensitivity is different with the new amp. It requires more voltage for a given output. No problem as long as your preamp doesn't clip at higher volume settings(or compress dynamics.) 
VTL 450 or Parasound JC-1
The 3A Sigs are capable of a very high level of resolution WHEN set up correctly. They perform very well with tubes. In fact, the big man himself generally uses tubes. Be careful with cable matching and all should be well indeed.I think if you lik... 
VTL 450 or Parasound JC-1
I agree with Sdcampbell, upgrade the speakers. The 2ce's will not allow that much of an improvement to come through with the better amps. They are not nearly as defined as the 3a Sigs. I just feel you would be wasting money throwing that kind of a... 
Goertz Bi-wire or something else
Thanks Scott. If you get a chance, pop me an e-mail with what you are doing. I know Sean likes these cables so there must be a "Sound" reason. From your post, am I correct in assuming Alpha Core has 2 sizes of the silver spades?I sure like the pri... 
Goertz Bi-wire or something else
Sdcampbell, I was thinking about trying a biwire of these cables. I assume you are still using Vandersteen's. Does the silver spades fit the connectors? And do you use any type of network? 
Powercord to tame brightness and add musicality
I just don't believe any power cord will impart significant difference to a bright system. I know some will say it does, however and if they hear it, fine. I don't. I detect small changes but nothing I would lay a systems balance on.You might want... 
Belles 150a : any competition at 1k level?
The 150a is a good amp but is not for some. It is not the last word in dynamics nor is it in transparency. You don't want to pair it with a warm balanced system. BTW-the Hotrod version is much better which is standard for this amp now. However, it... 
Vandersteen 2c sock removal
Elroymcgee, I should have been more specific because it was kinda of hidden. Hope it helps you. 
Vandersteen 2c sock removal
When you go to the Vandersteen website, go to "Main menu." Once there, scroll down to "Customer service." Once you are on that page, click "Vandersteen repair instructions form." This is a PDF form that tells you how to remove the socks and/or dri...