
Responses from bigtee

Theta Dreadnaught as a two channel amp
I don't think the Dreadnaught is about to run out of current with its 2.2 kva transformer in 2 channel mode(or any other mode.) The bass issue is due to the amp having no global negative feedback. This gives a fantastic midrange purity but makes t... 
Sony XA9000es/Sony DVP-NS999ES
If you are looking for sound quality only, the XA9000es would be a no brainer. The 999es is not really all that spiffy on either format(good but not that good.) It is excellent as a DVD player.The Sony DVP9000es is a better sacd player (but doesn'... 
Arcam FMJ-33 vs. Ayre CX-7
I have used both the FMJ33 and the Ayre CX7e. The Arcam products are sure better to operate from their remote. The Ayre loads up a little slower and doesn't respond to inputs as quick. Sonically, the Ayre is very dynamic and detailed but seem to b... 
Theta Dreadnaught as a two channel amp
I stepped back from an Ayre V5xe for technical match problems with my Aesthetix Calypso-hum! I picked up a Theta Dreadnaught I 2-ch and couldn't be happier with it. It's a little more solid sounding than the Ayre but not quite as holographic throu... 
McCormack DNA 125 amp-speaker match
My pick would be the Aerial 7b's of the 2 you've mentioned. Excellent build quality. It's a good speaker although I'm a first order guy and use Vandersteen's. As mentioned above, the amp is a good match with the Steens. The 7b's are my favorite no... 
Audible Illusions Modulus 3A an upgrade?
The M3a is a lot better than people give it credit for being. It has been around a while but offers a high level of performance that I personally think is untouchable for the money used. It is a definite "Classic" for good reason. It is still bein... 
Belles 350a Reference, Classe 2200, Ayre V-5x,
I"ve used the 350a with good success and the Ayre V5xe. I can't say which is best because each one had it own set of strengths and weaknesses. The Ayre is about a holographic midrange and superb smoothness and neutrality. The Belles has more slam ... 
Aesthetix Calypso or Joule Electra LA150
Unfortunately no. I got out of the phono stuff back in the early 90's and never returned. I used a VPI HW MKIV with a Rega RB300 with Incognito wiring and a few other goodies as my last table. I quit to concentrate on CD, SACD and the like. Howeve... 
Aesthetix Calypso or Joule Electra LA150
I think the easiest thing for me to say is it just sounds more natural to me. It seems to capture the essence of the music better. It's not one of those cut and dried things like this is better or that is worse. It is the overall performance. The ... 
Best pre-amp with built-in phono stage under 10K?
Either the Aesthetix Janus or the Ayre K1xe. Both are mighty fine preamps. 
Aesthetix Calypso or Joule Electra LA150
I have owned both and the Calypso wins out on IMO. Of course better is in the ears of the beholder. 
Belles 350A vs. Bryston 4B SST
I have heard both extensively and favor the Belles. It is very dynamic with great imaging and liquidity. It is also very powerful delivering over 250w/ch into 8 ohms and much more as the impedance drops. It definitely would be a great match for th... 
Looking for non-boomy full range speakers
I think Flrnlamb hits it on the head. The room has everything to do with the sound you receive and a lot of people never hear the true capabilities of a lot of good speakers.Room correction is complex, timely and sometimes expensive.You might try ... 
Which budget SS amps use least Global Feedback?
I can't agree with the statement above that "Most" present amps use less global feedback. Compared to 20 years ago, yes. Now? Hmmm. For instance, the well respected Parasound JC-1's use 39db. Most would consider this moderate. ALl of the amps you ... 
Is Levinson 33 still a reference standard today???
Richard Hardesty, in his Audio Pefectionist Journal, went from the ML33's to the Theta Dreadnaught I's stating they were better. The Levinson's were sold. Later, he went to the Theta Citadel's as his reference. He is the only reviewer that I have ...