
Responses from audiokinesis

What speakers for a 10 x10 room?
In a square or cubic room, a conventional monopole speaker will have severe low-frequency standing-wave problems. However, a dipole speaker will not, because the figure-8 bass radiation pattern will only significantly excite room modes in one dime... 
Halcro VS Boulder amps, which one is better ?
I haven't heard the 1000-watt, sixtysomething grand Boulders, but I do prefer the mid-priced thirtysomething grand Boulders to the Halcros. I recently heard an amplifier that, to my ears, significantly outclasses all other large solid state amps. ... 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
Kirk -Thanks for your kind words above! I appreciate your taking the time to post them. You really made my day!Should the time arrive that you embark on that quest for your last pair of speakers, you'll run into a sobering reality - even at price ... 
Best Amp for under 10K?
In the ten grand ballpark tube gear, I like the Atma-Sphere MA-1 Mk2.2 in an OTL amp, or the Wolcott Presence in a push-pull tube amp, or the DeHaviland GM-70 in an SET amp. Disclaimer - I'm a dealer for Atma-Sphere and Wolcott.In the ten grand ba... 
Best Amp for under 10K?
In ten grand ballpark tube gear, I like the Atma-Sphere MA-1 Mk2.2 in an OTL amp, or the Wolcott Presence in a push-pull tube amp, or the DeHaviland GM-70 in an SET amp. Disclaimer - I'm a dealer for Atma-Sphere and Wolcott.In ten grand ballpark s... 
I need to do this, please help
Greetings Tim -There are three things one can try to do with room treatment. They are:1. Improve the natural tonal balance of the room;2. Improve the imaging; and3. Smooth out the bass response.As a general principle, the ears like a powerful but ... 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
Natalie -I see that your audio passions run deep and if you thought I was arguing against in-home auditions, well that would indeed have been abhorrent advice. I appreciate your post because it made me reflect on ways for Kthomas to more reliably ... 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
Kthomas -My suggestion would be for you to invest some of that money in airline tickets (prices are quite low now) and travel to audition speakers that made your shortlist. Some dealers (such as yours truly) will help you with accomodations, and m... 
power cords and krell amps any suggestions?
I'm not familiar with your particular Krell units, but I've had customers who like the synergy of Shunyata Research power cords with their Krells. The Shunyatas are voiced on the warm, rich and lush side, which helps make the highly revealing Krel... 
Can you help or do I have to get divorced?
The divorce thing isn't necessarily as glamorous as it's made out to be. I hope I never go through it again.There's an excellent little speaker that just might save your marriage. It's virtually unheard of because the designer is also a profession... 
Full range sound for little room
Greetings Vlad, In my experience it is difficult to get decent bass in a small room with conventional speakers because the upper bass tends to be overpowering and the lower bass disappears. This is because the room isn't physically large enough fo... 
What is the most powerful SET tube amplifier?
The most powerful SET amp I know of is the WAVAC HE-833, which is a 100 watt monoblock. That's almost twice the power of the Cary. At least one person is using this beast to drive his Sound Labs, which means the amp is quite capable of driving a v... 
Buggtussel speakers: a "sleeper" hi- end spker?
Albert -I called Buggstussel and the Buggtussellians said they never got your e-mail. They said they check their e-mail five times a day. Anyway hope you don't mind but I passed along your phone number.Duke 
Which amp offer free trial at home?
Bigboy -If I were you, I'd fire off an e-mail to Jtinn and find out about an in-home audition of the Tenor amps. Tenor makes a helluva fine amplifier, and one that should work quite well with the Khorus. I sell a few amps that would work also, and... 
Bass/Room probelm
Well said, Sean! There is a way to make an end run around the bass problems in a typical room. And that is to start out with speakers that adequately address the situation. One such design is the Gradient Revolution, whose dipole bass loading resu...