
Responses from audiokinesis

new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
One other possibility occurs to me - with those powerful amps, you could drive a pair of Sound Lab Millennium-3 full-range electrostats. This is Sound Lab's smallest full-range model. The only issue would be the size of the speakers, but Sound Lab... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
Bob -I understand your desire to kick the tires first, via an in-store audition. That makes a lot of sense, and I'd want the same thing. Since I'm in New Orleans and the commute from Miami just isn't practical, what I think would make sense is for... 
Speakers for the real world. Placement problems.
Matrix -I don't know of any speaker that meets all of your criteria!You see, there are tradeoffs between bass extension and efficiency that make it fairly difficult to find a 92 dB efficient speaker that truly goes deep in the bass within your pri... 
Audio Artistry Beethovens
Bamafan -Yes Siegfried has severed his ties with AA, but he still owns a pair of Beethovens. 
Audio Artistry Beethovens
Ulf -First of all, congrats on your new speakers!Did you e-mail me with your amplifier question some time back? Around that time I lost my e-mail files, and I don't think I ever replied to you. My apologies.I'm not an Audio Artistry owner, just a ... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
Bob52r - Thanks for replying above. Your criteria are reasonable and well thought-out. The Audio Physic suggestion sounds like a good one to me. My impression is that the line has a sweet, warmish balance, and there is a definite sonic family rese... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
My first thought is, I like your taste in amps! The Pass Alephs (may they rest in peace) are among my favorite amplifiers.My second thought is, that's a mighty big room you got there. Also, I think your decision to replace rather than upgrade your... 
Best Integrated Tube Amp for 2.5K or Less
Congrats on your purchase, Dennis! I think you'll like what tubes do for the Aerius i. Marakentz, you make a very good point - often it's most cost-effective to buy a very good used amp instead of a less expensive new one. By the way, the local Ma... 
Which speakers work close to back wall?
The Gradient Revolution with its dipole bass module (which can be oriented for best sound in-room) and cardioid mid/tweet module (which minimizes reflections off the "front" wall) was designed from the outset to work well close to one wall (but no... 
Anyone own Innersound Speakers?
I neither own nor sell either Martin Logans or InnerSound speakers (though I do sell InnerSound amps). I sell a rival brand - Sound Lab. But, I'm a fan of electrostats, so let me offer a few comments.The Martin Logans are better looking and give y... 
Quad ESL 57's...Best Spkr Cable?
In my experience electrostats do well with a wide, flat cable. This geometry minimizes time smear related to the skin effect, wherein low frequency signals travel in the conductor and high frequency signals travel along the surface, resulting in s... 
Tweak a Jolida 302B or Look Elsewhere?
While my 302B doesn't hum, I've had other (much more expensive) amps that did. The technique Viridian suggests may well solve your problem. In one instance I mounted the transformers on rubber grommets, which worked quite well. 
Best Integrated Tube Amp for 2.5K or Less
In response to Marakentz's post: Before I took on any entry-level tube amp line, I discussed various low-priced tube amplifiers with an experienced local audio technician who's a hard-core audiophile, as well as an audio equipment manufacturer and... 
Should dealers be able to......
Thanks, Tireguy and Unsound, for taking the time to reply. Tim, you really made my day! Yes I have also enjoyed our interaction here, and I'm glad to hear I haven't crossed the line. I value this forum a great deal (likewise the Asylum), and come ... 
Should dealers be able to......
As a dealer, I would very much like to know if an Audiogon member does not want me to e-mail them. I hate spam as much as any of you. I do e-mail people sometimes, but only when I've read the post and think I have something to offer the person, or...