
Responses from audiokinesis

My new dedicated room sound like crap,please help.
In a small room, a little absorption goes a long ways. This is because, within a given time span, a sound wave goes through many more reflections in a small room than in a big one. So, any little thing you do will have an effect.YOu have two probl... 
Best Integrated Tube Amp for 2.5K or Less
You might consider the JoLida JD-1000A, at $1700 retail. Disclaimer - I'm a JoLida dealer. I sort of specialize in amps that work well with electrostats, since my primary loudspeaker line is Sound Lab electrostats. The JD-1000A uses the EL-34 outp... 
Subwoofer Quandary
Gunbei -There is a trade-off relationship between efficiency, bass extension, and enclosure size (some money gets traded off as well). Most people want the maximum bass extension and loudness in the smallest possible enclosure, which means you hav... 
Good budget monitor match for Plinius 8200MkII
I second Steve's Maggie MMG recommendation - or, if you can find a use pair of MG-12's, that would be even better. 
What would you use
Marakanetz, if you're asking about which speakers would one use to distinguish between different pianos, I once gave a demo to a piano instructor and she could readily tell me what kind of piano was playing. We were listening to a pair of Sound La... 
What kind of power wakes up electrostatic speakers
Arrrgh - sorry for posting again, but I deleted a paragraph to rewrite it and then accidentally posted instead.What I wanted to say was that there are a number of tube amplifiers that also work quite well with electrostats (some of which I sell), ... 
What kind of power wakes up electrostatic speakers
Greetings Steakster -Congrats on you Final purchase! That's one of the few electrostats I haven't heard.First of all, the Nakamichi Stasis is prone to going into oscillation and self-destructing when driving electrostats. Nakamichi skimped on the ... 
A great DIY line array speaker????
Once upon a time I designed and built several different line-array speakers. I really like the kind of sound field a tall line source sets up in the listening room.Here are the lessons I learned:1. It's pretty much impossible to get a seamless ble... 
Listening Through Walls at Show: Vodoo or Valid?
Well, I guess I was kinda askin' for it!Of course the ideal way to evaluate a system is in your own room, but that's not always possible. I'm not suggesting listening in another room to "equalize the response", but rather to quickly isolate and ev... 
Actually, the design of these speakers intrigues me a great deal. They are a horn-loaded omnidirectional design, and so will overcome one of the problems that seems to plague many omnis - namely, low efficiency and poor dynamics. The lawsuit-happy... 
Listening Through Walls at Show: Vodoo or Valid?
L.I.A.R. stands for "Listening in another room", and is a very valuable tool in serious loudspeaker evaluation.One of the things I do when auditioning speakers (or demoing them for customers) is crank the volume up a bit louder than normal and go ... 
Audio Artistry owners in the San Fran Bay Area
Well, Audio Artistry designer Siegfried Linkwitz himself lives in the Bay area. You can contact him through his website, 
Legacy Whisper-- Opininions
The Legacy Whispers are a rare breed - a dynamic dipole. To the best of my knowledge, the only other dynamic dipoles out there are the Audio Artistry line and the Gradient Revolutions. I've never heard the Whispers, but I'm fond of the Audio Artis... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
Thank you very much for your kind words, Tireguy and Detlof! 
entry planar setup
I've heard MMG's sound quite good in an almost cubic bedroom, located about a foot and a half out into the room, with drapes behind them. So, you might not want to pull the plug on the MMG idea just yet. The MMG's are a breeze to reposition if you...