
Responses from audiokinesis

Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
Tekunda -As you have observed, there is a wide range of opinions on the Martin-Logans, with some people loving them and some coming down on them pretty hard. This may sound strange, but I don't think the speakers are at fault - and I'd like to off... 
How good does it get?
Greetings Say811,You are setting out to make a highly subjective choice without the benefit of listening, since you don't have the option of driving for an audition. May the audio gods smile on you!Speaker choice is a very personal thing because, ... 
Speakers for 50W Triode tube amp
Prairiedog -I second Dnight's recommendation of the Buggtussels with your triode amps. Disclaimer - I recently became a Buggtussel dealer, but I was recommending them here and at the Asylum long before I became a dealer. The Buggs work extremely w... 
What's the best mid-range driver available?
One drawback of the R-3 (in my opinion anyway) is the limited vertical listening window. When you stand up, you lose the highs. Now I probably place a higher premium on good sound while standing up (and dancing) than most people do. But if I were ... 
Balance control vs. Speaker placement
In my room, I measure the distance from each speaker to the exact center of the listening position to within about 1/8", and then fine-tune the exact distance by ear. That helps, as there's an optical illusion in my room that makes the right speak... 
Recommended amp for Quad 57.
I agree heartily with Ivanj's recommendations, and I've also heard good things about the Bedini from a customer who drove his 57's with one. On a bit tighter tube amp budget, Quicksilver makes a nice little 40-watt stereo amp you might take a look... 
Question: Does ATC have the best midrange driver?
Tweekerman, you are right in that there is a shortage of excellent quality dedicated midranges. Most high-end speakers these days use a woofer, a midwoofer, and a dome tweeter. One problem that these systems tend to have is a narrowing of the radi... 
edge vs boulder vs halcro
I've listened to these three amps and think very highly of them all.The high power amp that impresses me most isn't on your list. It's the big GamuT stereo amplifier, called the S300. This is a 300-watt amp that weighs 400 pounds(!), so the power ... 
Low Level, Nearfield Nirvana?
My suggestion is warm-voiced full-range electrostats. In my experience good electrostats have superb clarity at low volumes, so you can hear everything that's going on. I often listen at 50-60 dB, and I can hear everything that's going on. You wan... 
A search for great cables for electrostatics
When I became a Sound Lab dealer, I went on a quest to find cabling that would give me the best possible demo. I eventually chose Magnan Signature cables. That ultrawide, ultraflat geometry has two distinct advantages for driving electrostats:Firs... 
Purist Audio Colossus / Nordost SPM
Albert -I really like the NOrdost Valhalla, but I liked the Magnan Signature better than the SPM. I had a customer test the Magnan Signature against the Purist Audio Proteus, and he preferred the Proteus (I sell the Magnan). So who knows - sounds ... 
experiences with di-pole woofers & Sub-woofers?
I've designed and built dynamic dipole speakers, and now own and sell both electrostatic and dynamic dipoles. The advantage of dipole bass is superior pitch definition, due primarily to the natural decay of notes as very little energy goes into ex... 
Electrostatic Speakers
Just as there are well-engineered exceptions to general trends one might identify for box or horn or ribbon speakers, so too with electrostats. I'd like to highlight some of those exceptions to the trends identified by Sdcampbell. "1. a "plastic" ... 
DAC - Cheap Upsampler or Old Standby?
I have owned (among others) the Meridian 508-24, Bel Canto DAC-1, and the Birdland Odeon-lite. The Bel Canto was considerably more musical than the Meridian, especially in the highs. The Meridian might have had a teeny tiny bit more bass. The even... 
Richard Gray's Power Company
Sean -Richard Gray and I have become friends, but I didn't know him when I first tried his unit. He's also a member of our local audio club - last month we met at his house. So I understand if people feel a grain of salt is warranted when Duke com...