
Responses from audiokinesis

Need Detail/ Resolution with Impact and Weak Bass
Greetings South Park,First, let me tell you what I think might be happening with the Martin Logans in your room. Sound propagates differently from a line source than from a point source, and with the hybrid Martins the panels act as a line source,... 
Improving bass response
With a given room and given speaker/listener positioning, the thing that most effects the bass response is the speakers. By far. Next would be amplification. Then preamp. In some systems the speaker cabling makes a significant difference as well. ... 
Anyone have honest opinion of Jolida amps?
At the 2001 CES, only one system actually moved me to tears. That was a JoLida CD player feeding the 100-watt JoLida tube amp, driving Cliffhanger Bulldog speakers. Now, I doubt we were listening to the stock tubes. But the sound was stunning. If ... 
Amp w/s Outstanding Midrange
Don't you hate it when a dealer posts that the amp he sells "blows everything else away"? Well, I hope this won't come across like that. The truth is, midrange is what I prize most, so I've selected my line-up accordingly. But I'll also mention so... 
Pass Aleph 1.2s.... Anyone familiar
The Pass Alephs are lovely amplifiers. There are competing amps that have better bass control, or better dynamic liveliness, but very, very few solid state amps can challenge the Alephs for midrange naturalness. If your speakers are a difficult lo... 
Has anyone heard the Innersound Electrostatic amp?
I sell the InnerSound amp, so I'm not going to argue with any of the above posts! Since I try to avoid gushing too much over something I sell, I'll just thank Sc53, Iasi, and Pls1 for saying it for me. So far none of my customers are using their I... 
looking for upgrade suggestions - 12,000 to spend
What improvement would you like over what you're getting now? I sell a speaker that would work well in your room and does some things better than the Dunlavy's, and some things not as well. This is the Sound Lab Millennium-2, a full-range electros... 
Smoking and Electrostatic Speakers?
Most airborne particles are positively charged, and most electrostatic speakers have a negative charge on the diaphragm (which attracts these airborne particles). An electrostatic air cleaner uses negatively charged electrodes specifically because... 
martin logan prodigy vs sound lab m-2
Tekunda -I'd like to take a shot at your question, with a bit more emphasis on the mechanics of why the Sound Labs might be preferred to the Martin Logans. Let me state up front that I'm a Sound Lab owner and dealer, but I'm not going to go into a... 
Have you heard Rockport speakers?
So you are setting out on the Quest - the search for the ultimate loudspeaker (within monetary constraints, of course). Congratulations! I wish you the very best in your search!I've never heard of the Rockport "Hyperion". Is this a new model? You ... 
Which speakers would be a good upgrade in a small
Good grief, Daveyf, you've got some killer equipment there! I'm not sure of your price range, but I carry a speaker that works exceptionally well in small rooms. It's the Gradient Revolution, and retails for 4.5 grand.This is one of the most intel... 
Quads or Maggies?
Well, I have yet to spend time with the Quad 988, but I used to own its ancestor, the 63. And I've owned Maggie 3.6's.Both are superb loudspeakers. They have different strengths and weaknesses. And we have different hearing - for example, a minor ... 
?Best speakers for a 2000 sq.ft loft?
I agree, your SL3's will get lost. At the kind of distances involved in a 2000 square foot room, hybrids are out. This is because the panel will approximate a line souce while the woofer acts as a point source, and sound pressure level will fall o... 
Inexpensive Pre with headphone jack recommendation
If your emphasis is on headphone listening, you might consider getting a Headroom "Home" headphone amp. Besides being a first rate headphone amplifier, it can be used as a very decent little preamp. 
Best speakers for my system/taste/budget?
I'd suggest you consider Maggies, possibly the little MMG's. Let me explain:For a given sound pressure level at the listening position, a dipole will put 5 dB less bass out into the environment. That means you can listen 5 dB louder before your ne...