
Responses from audiokinesis

Suggestions for Maggie replacements.
Reviewer Dick Olsher is a speaker designer, but his reviewer status gets in the way of his promoting his products. His speakers are sold under the brand "Samadhi Acoustics"; see Dick and his wife Lesley collaborated on a littl... 
I need amplification.....
You have a very nice little speaker there, with enormous potential.In my experience the CDM-1's can sound just a little congested in the mids and a little aggressive in the highs when paired with low to medium priced solid state gear. The answer i... 
Anyone heard the Soliloquy 6.5??
The Soliloquy 6.5 is a very musical loudspeaker, and especially likes fairly beefy single-ended triode amps (using the 845 tube for example). In my experience, it does not like solid state nearly as much. I chose to carry something else in the sam... 
Cable suggestions for Martin Logan
I sort of specialize in electrostats, as an owner of and dealer for Sound Labs and owner of Quad 57's. I conducted a rather extensive search of speaker cables to find what worked well, and found that cables with wide, flat geometries which minimiz... 
What speakers for an old Nakamichi receiver
Greetings Jdh9,I had a customer with a Nakamichi/Pass amplifier, and it went up in smoke when hooked up to a new, moderately difficult pair of loudspeakers. The problem was not with Nelson Pass's design, but with the fact that Nakamichi skimped on... 
B&W 804 Nautilus help
Greetings Unsound,If your friend is primarily interested in digital sources, here is what I'd suggest:Get a Pioneer DVD player as a transport ($300), a Birdland Odeon-AG DAC with analog volume control ($1500 retail), and a Plinius 8200P power amp ... 
Speakers around 20k
Ikarus,Thanks for putting your impression of the Snells into words. You've done an excellent job of conveying a sense of what their presentation is like. "Goosebumps" is very descriptive - I think I'd like the Snells, too.I was recently introduced... 
Good Audio System for Living Room
Greetings Steven,I think the first thing to narrow down is speakers, even though that might not be the first thing you purchase, because the speakers you choose will determine whether or not your criteria can ultimately be met. If I understand cor... 
Which Martin Logan Speakers should I buy?
I second Simancd's recommendation of the Odyssey for Mm2862's room, as well as his advice that amplifier and cable matching make an especially big difference with electrostats. Just curious, Simancd, what amps and cables have you found to work wel... 
The Soundlabs must go-any thoughts on substitutes?
Greetings Aitchnu,Sorry to hear you have to find an alternative to your Sound Labs! I'm an owner (and dealer), and have searched far and wide for alternatives to the Sound Labs. I have yet to find their sonic equivalent in a conventional package. ... 
Speakers around 20k
Ikarus -Thanks for your post - if I may ask, what was it about the Snell that separated it from the pack? Was it better timbre (natural sound & texture of voices & instruments), articulation (where you can easily pick out and follow a sing... 
speakers for aragon amp
You're not gonna like this, but...In my experience Aragon amps are a bit on the bright side.That being said, Spendors come to mind.Best of luck to you! 
What is a good amp for my ML Aerius I's.
I own and sell electrostats, and tried an Aragon amp with my stats and found the sound to be a little on the thin side. I haven't tried the Marsh amps. After a bit of shopping around I chose to become a dealer for the InnerSound amps, so I guess m... 
Need more bass response
Can I quote you?? " the guy straped in the electric chair hooked up to Valhallas or 8 guage romex?"That's priceless!I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with any of your equipment to offer useful commentary. Incidentally, my gut reaction isn't ... 
Okay, the gloves are off. Let the fur fly
Fascinating thread here, Twl - spinning into something more like a tapestry, I'd say...In my experience, the most fundamental quality a speaker has to get right is tonal balance. This implies adequate bandwidth and a non-irritating midrange. After...