
Responses from audiokinesis

Buggtussel speakers: a "sleeper" hi- end spker?
Good to hear from you, SunnyJim!Yes, I heard the Amygdala's at CES 2001. That was the Buggspeaker that originally turned my head. I kept coming back to the room over and over. I would characterize them as having rather natural timbre - neither "wa... 
Buggtussel speakers: a "sleeper" hi- end spker?
At CES 2001 and 2002 the Buggtussels were among the speakers that impressed me most, particularly on voice and solo piano. They are very fast and articulate, and give a lively presentation more reminiscent of say a jazz club than a symphony concer... 
If you had 10k for pre and power amp but you had
In many systems, especially those with exotic speakers such as ribbons or electrostats, the most important synergy in the system is that between speaker and amplifier. If it took the 8 grand going into the amp to get that synergy, then that's wher... 
Anyone W/ Sound Lab A3/M2 in Florida?
Greetings Ericpsych - If the only barrier between you and M-1's is the height of the panels, let me mention that Sound Lab is willing to build you a custom set of M-1 panels to the exact height to fit your room. Best of luck to you,Duke 
monitor or floorstander?
Greetings Fujindemon,You raise some interesting points in your post. First let me say that your dealer has some very nice speakers in his lineup. I used to design and build speakers as a hobby (almost went commercial once), and I've been a dealer ... 
BG ribbons vs. Carver ribbons
Maxwell, I haven't owned either speaker, but I don't think there is any difference in their operating principles. To the best of my knowledge, they both use a thin metal ribbon conductor on a mylar membrane operated push-pull between two rows of m... 
which dynamic speaker has quads fab mid presence
Greetings Don222,That's a tall order you're trying to fill. I can't think of a tougher act to follow than trying to match the original Quads in the midrange. Subsequent Quads fall short, as does just about everything else out there. When I go arou... 
Amps for Audio Artistry speakers
Congrats on being a Beethoven owner! That's one of the finest speaker systems ever designed. I take it you recently acqured them?The subs are especially fond of plenty of current capability and a high damping factor (in other words, plenty of slam... 
Best speakers in 2k-3k price point
Hi Sean, yeah I wanna be the next Bob Harley. Ha! Hey, when you bringin' your dumptruck over to haul away all those junk speakers I mentioned over on the "top ten" thread?? 
Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
Original Quad ESL; Klipschorn; Snell Type A; IMF Special Applications Control Monitor; Maggie Tympani series; Beveridge Model 2; Sound Lab A-1; Wilson Audio Modular Monitor; Audio Artistry Beethoven; Gradient Revolution. 
Best speakers in 2k-3k price point
Greetings Radioman,It sounds to me like you and I have similar taste. Let me make a few observations, and then a few specific suggestions.To sound good at low volume, a speaker must be very articulate and have very good dynamic contrast - otherwis... 
getting a little obsessed with my first purchase
Elchuppa - I think the Type A's are only moderately efficient, like maybe 86 dB, but I think they are an 8 ohm load which your Sony would have no trouble with. This is my recollection, which is highly fallible - I suggest you contact the seller.An... 
Rogue Tempest or Jolida JD1000A Integrateds?
Congrats on your choice, Buckingham, and glad to hear the synergy is there! That's really what makes or breaks a system. Yes the KT88's have great bass, so that may well be the better choice for your system. Best wishes to you! 
getting a little obsessed with my first purchase
I browsed the full-range speakers for sale here, and found you an ABSOLUTELY KILLER DEAL on a superb pair of older speakers. This is the Snell Type A. This was one of the finest speakers of its day (which was, admittedly, 20 years or so ago). The ... 
Nuetrality be Damned...
Well if it's warmth you want, have you considered a pair of refurbished Quad 57's? You might go so far as to bob the feet so they sit down closer to the floor, which warms them up even more. Mmmmmmm.Maggies are beloved by many for their musical, e...