
Responses from audiokinesis

Sound Lab Millennium 1 spl ability?
Greetings Mejames,The Sound Lab M-1 is capable of 105 dB at the listening position, but this is pushing the speakers very hard. And according to a customer of mine, the VTL 450 won't do it. This customer tried the 450's alongside the Wolcotts that... 
Smallest Bookshelf Speaker Worth Listening To
I really like the Samadhi Acoustics Magic Cube, designed by Dick Olsher with WAF consulting provided by Lesley. The Cube is 7.75" on a side, and it is worth listening to. Whether it's the smallest speaker "worth listening to", I dunno. I don't sel... 
Is anyone driving Magnepan MMGs with a tube amp?
As long as you're realistic about maximum volume, and as long as you treasure quality over quantity, your MMG's will sound warm and sweet driven by the JoLida. It won't be the last word in dynamics, but then you already knew that. I'm a JoLida dea... 
Tubelike solid state: Ayre Vs Aleph
First of all, I'm a genuine fan of the Pass Alephs. I love their midrange, but as John notes, they don't really have that bottom-end slam thing. I've found a solid state amp that does both, and I became a dealer for it. This amp is the Warner Imag... 
3-way under 1000 new.
Tube777, in my experience, you're better off upgrading to a single run of higher quality cable than going with two or three runs of a lesser cable. It's more cost-effective to get one run of really good stuff than multiple runs/ lesser stuff. I'm ... 
Is a Tube Amp Capable of High Current?
I second Angela100's suggestion of Wolcott amps (disclaimer - I'm a Wolcott owner & dealer). No, they won't double their power output going from 8 ohms to 4 ohms, and again into 2 ohms, like a beefy high-current solid state amp will. But, they... 
Larger Apogee's: Do they beam ?
Hi Sean,Well my friend you kinda left the floodgates open there when you said, "I would also appreciate comments on ANY planar / ribbon / e-stat design that you think offers a relatively wide sweet spot." You probably won't need your crystal ball ... 
what speakers to use?
Akio76 - I second the PSB Stratus Gold recommendation for your application. Nope, I'm not a PSB dealer. 
3-way under 1000 new.
Tube777,Mind if I ask what it is about a 3-way that especially attracts you? Perhaps if we focus on the particular set of attributes you desire, we can better help you.That being said, I often prefer a 3-way as well, but perhaps not for the same r... 
Magnepan 1.6QR or 2.6R or Sound Lab Dynastats
Runkster -How many "facets" wide are your Dynastat's panels? The newer ones are 5 facets wide, while some older ones were only 3 facets wide. The 5-facet model has a better blend between woofer and panel, imho.That being said, it's still difficult... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
Bob -First of all, thanks for your kind words! Yes you've uncovered my alias - I'm "AudioKinesis" here, and "Duke" at the Asylum. You see, at the Asylum, industry members aren't supposed to use the name of their business in their moniker, which is... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
Hello Steve,Yes I bought some very nice gear from Hifi Farm back in the 90's. I'm now a dealer for two of the lines whose products I bought on your recommendation (Clayton & Gradient), so I hope that tells you a little about the high regard I ... 
Amp Upgrade - 3k to 4k used?
John -You might consider a pair of Atma-Sphere M-60's with a pair of Paul Speltz's "Zero" autoformers. This will give you true OTL magic, and you'll still be able to drive your 4-ohm Virgos. OTL's do some things better than other amps. Sounds like... 
Speakers for the real world. Placement problems.
Matrix -Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions above.Okay, I spent some time going over what's available used at this site. My first suggestion would be the Paragon Regents speaker. The Paragons were a superb line that went out of b... 
Will Cosmetic Surgery Alter My Hearing?
One of my relatives had his ears "pinned back" as a young man, and he lost some of his ability to judge the direction of sounds. He never regained it. I can perceive a timbral difference when I push my ears forward a bit, or pull them back, or wha...