
Responses from audiokinesis

Speaker priority: high or low???
Karls,As usual, your post is very well written and well thought-out. I enjoy your posts quite a bit.Something you wrote made my one eyebrow go up:"There is a reason that full-range electrostatics sound so good, and it is that they avoid most of th... 
Time coherence - how important and what speakers?
Time coherence is difficult to achieve because the acoustical center for a moving coil driver is not a fixed physical point, but actually varies somewhat with frequency. Source - The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, sixth edition, page 113. Phase cohe... 
Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?
Rhyno -Well like most rules there are exceptions, and Kirk points out a significant one, as far as electrostats and low bass goes. I've had two customers tell me their Sound Lab full range electrostats measure -3 dB somewhere in the low 20's. The ... 
How to audition speakers?
Okay, the big idea is not to find the speaker that's the most initially impressive. The idea is to find the speaker that you can listen to hour after hour, and never grow tired of. Live music is like that, ya know. You may have to "take charge" of... 
Where does your user name come from?
In the first line of my post above, "work" = "word".Arrrgh. 
Where does your user name come from?
I really like the work "kinetic", perhaps because of a well-crafted line by Rush drummer/lyricist Neil Peart:"...we break the surface tension with our wild kinetic dreams."To me, music has an almost mystical ability to take you into altered states... 
What's the Best Speakers use with the CAT JL2/SL1?
Razen -Your equipment is superb, and your amplifiers can drive just about anything out there. Rather than make a specific speaker suggestion based on your amplifier and room, I'd rather explore your priorities a bit. You see, tradeoffs are inevita... 
Talon Khorus X or Revel Salon???
My preference is for the Talons - they have a richer and more lively presentation. What are your priorities, makofkalaw? What qualities are you most interested in, what colorations really get on your nerves, and what would you trade off (if you ha... 
Avantgarde's are Great but Bass Integration?
The Avantgarde Duo's are a very well thought-out design, but like all speakers embody compromises.You see, it's not possible to build a reasonably compact woofer that goes deep, has high efficiency, and matches the radiation pattern of the horns. ... 
Maggies or Martin Logans?
Fpeel -The comparison between Maggie 3.6 and Martin CLS is a tough one. I prefer the tonal balance of the Maggies, and the coherence and low-level performance of the CLS. I'd probably go with the CLS, as to me it does more of the goosebumps thing,... 
Maggies or Martin Logans?
CWlondon -Superb synopsis of ML's and Maggies. You nailed it. 
Why is Shahinian not more popular
Sean -Once again, thanks for your vote of confidence.In a sense, the Shahinians have some common ground with the Sound Labs - both systems recreate a well-energized, diffuse reverberant field whose tonal balance is very similar to that of the dire... 
High Sensitvity = good transient response ?
Sean -Thanks for your enlightening comments! I always enjoy your posts - and learn from them. Your explanation of the problems with low port velocity is new territory for me.I haven't tried an Aeroport type port yet - but based on your recommendat... 
Why is Shahinian not more popular
Hassel, I have tried to become a Shahinian dealer, so far without success. Dick Shahinian has no US dealers, and doesn't really need any. He has a hard enough time keeping up with orders from Europe and Asia. I have been contacted by people who've... 
High Sensitvity = good transient response ?
As as been alluded to, there is a tradeoff relationship between efficiency and bass extension (box size also factors in). It is possible to build a high efficiency system that truly goes deep, but the required box size is pretty big.There also see...