
Responses from aball

McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?
Ulf - interesting. I have learned the most by swapping gear with local hifi buddies. What preamp did you replace with the C220? What other preamps have you tried in your system? ThanksArthur 
Observations on Audiogon Posts
I totally agree with the two replies above. Not everyone is as experienced as you are. Arthur 
Best Way to Approach System Building
Sorry, but I am having fun and loving my music all the while!Arthur 
Tube amps
The Cary V12i is a sweetheart and I think your WP6 would appreciate its extra power over the other two candidates. This is not to be underestimated if you want to have accurate dynamic range, which with speakers like those, I'd hate to compromise.... 
Input voltage gain on levinson amps ?
I found the owner's manuals online: the 29's at marklevinson.com and the 20.6's at hifiengine.com. Gotta love the internet.Comparing the specifications for both amps, the 20.6 has 26.9dB gain for 40V rated output. The 29 has 26dB for 30V output. T... 
Is a DAC to Amp hook up better??
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It never has for me. Sounds to me like your preamp is not good enough for your system.Arthur 
Should I upgrade from Sylvania 6DJ8 to better tube
I'll stick up for the good ole 6DJ8: Amperex orange label from the 80s. Great tube that bettered several 6922s in my VK-3i. It has excellent dynamics and transparency without sounding shrill or brittle. There is more performance overlap between th... 
Input voltage gain on levinson amps ?
I think you are confusing input voltage sensitivity with voltage gain. If you "add" the gain to the input sensitivity, you get rated output voltage of the amp.Arthur 
Could use some help, please
Hey DaveAre you still living in Virginia? I am in Blacksburg and have ways I could help you out.Arthur 
Why so expensive??
You don't only pay for parts and build time, you pay for knowledge and talent too - and they are the majority. This is generally the case with any quality thing if you stop to think about it. Even services, like your car mechanic. If he finds the ... 
mcintosh integrated amps
You are right in looking at tubes. You don't give a budget so I will give a couple options of tube integrateds mated to bookies.I would get some Focal/JM Lab 1007Be and McIntosh MA2275. They are an incredible match. I have owned lots of gear and I... 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
You must try McIntosh MC501 monoblocks at some point. They are the ideal thing for you IMO.Arthur 
McIntosh Integrated
I have heard them all and would go with the MA2275, hands down. It is very hard to beat that beautiful integrated. Arthur 
I'm not dreaming - these are great CD copies
It isn't some other format - it is the burning process that can lead to better results. The store-bought copies are stamped which, apparently, isn't always as good as burning. I have noticed this phenomenon several times but it seems it doesn't ho... 
JM Lab Speakers With McIntosh Amp?
Thanks Bearotti for the lead-in. My system page indeed has lots of info about my trials and tribulations so if you are truly interested in a very detailed answer, check there.The highly-condensed summary is that I feel the 926/2002 combination wil...