
Responses from aball

Audiophiles vs DIY-o-philes
There is a vast chasm between science and art. My career is in the former but my stereo is based on the latter. For me, it is the only way to go but it takes a lot of effort, thought, and understanding to get a grasp on any form of art. Many peopl... 
Class A amp vs Class D amp
Just a technicality but the Classe is not a true Class A running amp. It is Class B. They can make it sound like it is Class A but it isn't - it would have to be 10x bigger size if it was.Only you can decide if the extra $5000 is worth it. But if ... 
Smallest room dimensions for good bass to 20hz
Uh no. The bigger the room, the (way) more power and the larger the speaker/subwoofer you will need. You don't need a big room to have low frequencies. Actually, most big rooms I have auditioned systems in never sound like they have much bass caus... 
Smallest room dimensions for good bass to 20hz
I get a compensated/corrected reading of 21Hz at -3dB in my 14x13 room at the listening position. That works just fine for me.Arthur 
Bi-amping mark-Daniel Maximus: Mind-blowing
Yep, I use MOSFET lows and tube highs and love it as well. I haven't heard of these speakers - I will have to check out the review. Enjoy the music!Arthur 
Compromises (recording quality)
It has taken me about 30 component changes but I finally have it so that poor recordings are recognizeably poor - but not irritating. It is very hard to balance transparency with forgiving sound but if you try hard enough, it can happen. I hear mu... 
Heat issue with Lamm M1.2 Reference
Something wrong happened for sure. It could be that half the tube went bad - I've had some tubes test bad but their sound was still good. Not sure how that happens but I have experienced it twice. You could replace the tube and see what happens. W... 
Low volume music
Jmaldanado - I wasn't referring to any amplifying device, only of relative sound level. You confused two different sentences. Go to your pay sites instead and leave us alone. ThanksArthur 
McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?
Sparkster- Everything is colored. There is no such thing as perfection. Good luck in your search.Arthur 
McIntosh C100, Ayre K1 or Mark Levinson 380/380S?
You made a great choice! The C200 is much better than the C100. I always felt the latter was veiled. The C200 is a world class music maker. I would like to have one myself!Arthur 
Are there digital front ends with the body...
My Audio Aero Prima mk2 (with van den Hul Orchid XLR ics and van den Hul Mainsserver pc) was enough for me to forget about vinyl altogether. No more surface noise ruining the music and no more worry about something getting broken. Now, it is much ... 
Low volume music
In my experience, the best for low volume listening are slightly-bright speakers that have very good analytical power and sensitivity. The amps don't matter as much as the speakers do so you need to tackle the speaker choice first. Triangles are a... 
Polarity on a non-bladed plug?
I use a high-quality digital multimeter to check. You need to measure for residual ground voltage at the RCA jacks. Make sure nothing is hooked up to the component but the power cord. Try plugging it in both ways while noting the voltage reading b... 
Conrad Johnson PV 15 or 17LS?
Hifi+ reviewed both (at different times but by the same guy) and he felt the new PV15 was richer and less dry. I agree that some of the older, less expensive CJ gear was a bit dry. My PV10a and MV55 were both that way. Arthur 
Tannoy Speakers
The Prestige line are some of the best speakers I have ever heard but they are pricey and the looks won't please everyone. The Dimension series is highly underrated. The TD10 was really incredible sounding - different from most speakers but perfec...