
Responses from aball

Amplifier advice for Wilson Sophia speakers
If they are Sophia 1, the best sound I have heard from those speakers was with a McIntosh MC352 and C200 preamp. Absolutely awesome.Arthur 
How isolated is your hi-fi?
Our stereo room is our living room - not the other way around. It works just fine for us that way.Arthur 
Can an EL34 tube be replaced with a KT88 or 6550?
Generally no. There are some autobias amps that have a large enough range to handle it but they aren't common. I would not assume that your amp can do it. The counterpart of the EL34 would be the KT77. The 6CA7 can also be used. But check with the... 
Reused Item Photos. Misleading?
I feel it HAS to be disclosed if the pics aren't actual ones. Arthur 
product you use for dusting equipment
I don't use any sprays - I find they leave marks, especially on painted surfaces. I simply use a static duster. They have thousands of fine plastic hairs that get static charged and then dust clings to them. Works great!Arthur 
Why is my Mcintosh MC-2155 slow?
You don't want a forgiving speaker with McIntosh IMO. The new DALIs I heard were not all that forgiving (ribbon tweeter) but if your's are, then it is time for a change.You don't mention your budget so I will guess. If I were you, I would look int... 
Do amplifiers deteriorate if not used?
Yes but very slowly. I don't think you need to worry about it so long as the storage location doesn't have big temperature or humidity swings.Arthur 
Why is my Mcintosh MC-2155 slow?
Hsindao's advice is excellent. I didn't think of it before but I too have found that amps sound more dynamic when they are running at high gain (i.e. low input sensitivity). I run my MC240 at high gain by using "twin amp" instead of "stereo" - def... 
Why is my Mcintosh MC-2155 slow?
The mid-eighties McIntosh amps are like that generally speaking. They have so much microdynamics that the tempo gets a little lost. You can speed it up a bit by replacing the capacitors since they are 25 years old at this point.Also part of it is ... 
Speaker "pops" when power amp shut off
Your power rails are dumping at turn off. There is generally a bleeder resistor or a cap arrangement to let it happen slowly to ground but something has gone wrong. The turn off sequence won't change that. I would just send it back to Ayre for the... 
Once you go MAC you never go back.... My journey
You should give your 2155 a new capacitor job too - it is worth it. I had one briefly and often wondered what it would have sounded like rebuilt. I currently use a 1961 MC240 tube amp that I totally rebuilt myself and the improvement in dynamics a... 
Poll.....what size is your room?
14 x 13 x 7.5. I used to want it bigger but now I think this one is just right. 
Effect of bi-amping?? Marten Design & Dartzeel
There are two types: vertical and horizontal biamping. Vertical is what I think you are thinking of where you would have two identical amps powering the speakers, one for each speaker. This arrangement can provide improvements of all types simply ... 
More than one CD player
I have two: an Audio Aero Prima mk2 and a Sony C333ES. The former is for redbook and the latter is for SACD and parties (5-disc changer). Both do their jobs very well.Arthur 
ASL Explorer 805 DE/JM Lab Alto Utopia combo????
I think the bass will suffer but give it a shot. Just be sure you go easy on the volume control. Arthur