
Responses from aball

measuring output impedance
You will only get the DC value but for a DAC, the impedance is probably relatively flat up to at least 10kHz. It won't be quite right of course, but it will give you an indication of the overall impedance.Arthur 
What causes an amp to discharge a thump.?
Your main caps are dumping at turn off. I have fixed that problem in amplifiers by using bleeder resistors to ground. It totally eliminated the thump but requires soldering and some circuit knowledge to do the job risk free... If you can overlook ... 
Help with understanding Stereophile test results.
If you used a Radio Shack meter, you need to correct the meter with a compensation chart. I have values obtained with top-dollar pro audio test equipment embedded in an Excel spreadsheet - if you want me to email it to you, let me know and all you... 
Tube amps & warm speakers?
It really depends on the tube amp. Some of them are not as seductive and warm on top as you might think. For instance, I had a CJ MV55 and compared to my McIntosh MC240, the MV55 sounded like a solid-state amp in that it was cool and dry sounding.... 
B&W 803S vs Triangle Cello SW2
Tiens tiens, un autre francais dans les parages! :) McIntoshes are an excellent choice for Triangle speakers. They compliment each other perfectly. How many different systems did you hear the 1027 in? If you only heard them once, you cannot say th... 
The Room
I wouldn't say the 926 is a "much warmer" speaker than the N804 although it does put out noticibly more bass despite the same rated frequency extension. This reduced bass output in the N804 goes a long way to improving resolution and perceived det... 
The Room
Absolutely. That is why a lot of reviews and opinions are bunk. I laugh when I read of someone testing out small 3-ways and huge 3-ways in the same room! There is no possible way that they are both optimized for that room. Same goes for people's o... 
Mac MA-6100
I would advise a rebuild including new capacitors and rectifiers. But in any case, 4 ohm speakers won't be any problem so long as you don't want super high volume. 
Mcintosh vs. Audio Research tube preamps
I had an MX110 for a while but never had any tube ARC preamps. I rebuilt the MX110 completely and it sounded a lot more modern afterwards. Beforehand, it was soft and was lacking top end extension. Afterwards, it was surprisingly good. I wasn't ex... 
McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?
There is no such thing as a straight wire with gain. You will just have to get one and try it out for yourself. Personally, if I had the money for the McIntosh, this debate would be a no brainer.Arthur 
Tonearm wire, SILVER vs SILVER, all the same?
I think a lot of the differences between wires boils down to how the wire is made. Cold rolled or die extruded? Molten or grown? Quenched or annealed? IMO, the reasons for different sound are largely based on the answers to these questions because... 
tube amps/low capacitance cables?
Tube amps have output transformers and their secondaries (the portion that connects to your speakers) can be electrically represented by a series inductance. If you then connect high capacitance cables to this inductance, you effectively produce a... 
What is my weakest link?
I would change your speaker cables first. I had a pair of Bedrock cables briefly and wasn't impressed. Joey's suggestion of the Cable Company is a great one.Arthur 
MultiChannel too complicated for most...
I don't do multichannel because I don't watch much TV.I think that setting up a 2-channel system right is already extremely difficult. It has taken me 7 years to get mine right in the room I'm in now. Arthur 
Need advice re: Tube dampers
For the Herbies, I found the nickel wire to work better than the nylon ones. I agree with Joe that the nylons can actually dull the sound a bit (since the circuits aren't designed with dampeners in mind). The nickels seem to be a good compromise a...