
Responses from aball

Anyone compare Classe CA-M400 vs older CAM 350s ?
I have not compared them but I read a French magazine, that I trust for several reasons, that has. Their summary is that the CA-M400 was richer sounding and that the CAM350 was more exciting sounding. In the end, both got top ratings - something t... 
Radiohead's new business model:
I just heard about it 10 minutes ago. I think it will be interesting to see what happens in light of all the rights fiascos.Arthur 
Stereophile - MF Supercharger article-add 550W/ch.
I read it and found it to be a very interesting concept. I would love to experience it myself. In theory, it should be no different than an amp passing on the "sound" of the source so I suppose as long as transparency is excellent, this amp should... 
Mono blocks are better or Stereo power amp?
Your volume control position has no bearing on output power. You might clip your amp at 60%. Just so you'll know...I personally love monoblocks. I feel that the most important part of an amplifier is its power supply. With monoblocks, you get doub... 
Smooth and silky top end
It isn't ever clear what it takes to get a particular sound. There are many SS amps with silky top ends and each one is done differently so it appears there are several ways to achieve it. I used to think that slightly reduced top-end frequency ex... 
Pleasant Surprises
I have to say my favorite tweak so far has been Walker SST silver paste. I was skeptical at first but knowing that contact interconnections are less than stellar, I figured it could work - and sure enough it does. Definite improvement in transpare... 
Compact Low-Powered Amp Recomendations?
It used to be very doable but now that copper costs a fortune, there are fewer options. I would look for Antique Sound Labs Wave 8 monoblocks. There is a pair for sale here now (I have no affiliation whatsoever). You will get much more power suppl... 
Cables under the rug.....
My HT buddies run their wires through the ceiling. I don't know if you can do that but it is an option in some cases.Arthur 
New line of Triangle Magellan ESW2?
Ah yes, but with what electronics? Hook up a Unison 845 tube amp and it will be a different story...I guarantee it. You cannot simply audition speakers - you can only audition systems.Arthur 
Seeking your advice on Shindo preamps
If you are closer to Cleveland OH, there is a Shindo dealer there called Don Better Audio. Last time I visited, Jonathan Halpern of Tone Imports was there and he played a lot of music on an all Shindo system with PHY single driver speakers. It was... 
Ideal Volume level
No, there is no problem - other than a psychological one. :) Just turn it up and enjoy the music.Incidentally, it is true that many volume controls have better channel separation at the top end of their range so you might even be better off with a... 
JM Lab Speakers With McIntosh Amp?
Great! Make sure you carefully play with toe-in. They are very sensitive to it, as well as placement from the side walls. I have found that even 1/4" changes make a difference in my small room. The more effort you put into finding just the right p... 
searching balanced Tube preamp with.......
With 20k input, you will be fine with any preamp below 350 or so. No sweat.Arthur 
McIntosh Integrated
In absolute terms, I agree the MA6500 has slightly grainy highs. But for $2000 used, that is not a fault - only a cost savings. Arthur 
Anyone use Audiogon "Wanted" Ads Success?
When they were free, I used them a couple times and they did work well. I assume they must still work well today since the seller doesn't have to pay to reply.Arthur