
Responses from aball

12AX7 vs. 5751
I have used both A LOT and never noticed the gain difference in 5751s. But they sure sound different. The right tubes will depend on your tastes and equipment.Arthur 
Biamp N802:is 55W tube enough for high/mids?
Energy in music drops with increasing frequency so although you have a 4 ohm dip in the mids, your amp won't have to deliver as much power as they would at, say, 30Hz and 4 ohms. Give it a shot - I think you will have no problems at all. I biamp m... 
Vienna Mozart or Dali Helicon 400 with YBA
I love the looks of the Helicon 400s but I am not as big a fan of their sound. I thought they lacked resolution in the mids and upper mids for their price.I heard Mozarts at a Tweeter one time using a couple different amps (B&K and Marantz I t... 
Help? Why Classe CAM-350s going into protection mo
I would suspect the ARC since both monoblocks switch off. Kal's suggestions are right on. Keep us posted.A 
Does tube rolling with regard to CDP mean...
I never said you shouldn't listen to live music.I don't understand why so many people assume recording processes are perfect enough to voice their stereo with it. Which CD do you choose? hahaGetting the right sound is a subjective process because ... 
I need help on directionality of speaker cables
The arrow points in the direction of current flow so they should point to the speakers.Arthur 
Room ratios
I wouldn't bother. Just get some acoustical panels for your corners and you'll be fine. Furniture helps too.Arthur 
Wilson Sophia 2 or Focal Electra 1037 be?
Well, at least all that extra money didn't get wasted! :) Enjoy your new babies - I would be proud too.Arthur 
Harmon International sold to investment bankers
There are already two posts about it.Arthur 
$75 Thorens vs. $2K+ Michell...is this possible?
Well, it is all a matter of taste so there is no need to doubt yourself. There are all types of philosophies out there. It is great to hear from someone who actually knows what he likes. enjoy the music!Arthur 
Should a good system sound bad with bad recording?
Nothing is perfect, not even your stereo. Just find what YOU like and all will be well. If you seek perfection, you will spend your days in frustration.Arthur 
Does tube rolling with regard to CDP mean...
I am sorry but an instrument played in a "room" versus a "hall" will sound very different. That was my point. Mechans got it right - "live" sound is what we "think" is live sound and your live sound won't be like my live sound and the live sound o... 
McIntosh MC2102 Question
I think the problem was with the tubes, not the amp's design. Arthur 
Does tube rolling with regard to CDP mean...
What is "live" sound?Arthur 
Does the"quality" of jumpers affect the sound?
I think the only way is to wire to the top and jumper to the bottom. The highs are much more sensitive than the bass so it makes sense.Arthur