Roon and qobuz update problem?

Sat down last night, started roon and started streaming the song that was cued from the last time I listened.  Saw that Roon had a popup showing an update was available.  Chicked "update all".  

Roon stopped and when it updated I wasn't logged into Qobuz and can't log in through Roon.

I can log into Qobuz on my computer and play songs fine.  Looks like a Roon problem.  Anybody else having this problem?




Thanks to all who reported they installed the update.  I restarted roon, rebooted core, changed and installed new Qobuz password.  Verified Qobuz works outside of roon.  I went to Roon support and found no issues.

I have a fairly narrowly used streamer, Grimm MU1.  It might be a specific problem with my piece of equipment.

I'm at work.  will try again tonight.


Jerry I had this issue few times throughout the years. Roon core on Mac mini. And I know a few guys with Nucleus who faced the same issue. It’s infrequent but happens. Easily solved by a reboot. 

Got the update notice on iPhone and selected update all. No problem at all with Qobuz connectivity for me. 

Just to restate, I have rebooted my computer, rebooted my phone, rebooted my roon core, and confirmed my login credentials.  I control roon with both my phone and my computer.  Neither can log in to qobuz  now.  Roon looks to be working fine but has no access to any files.


Is your core on apple computer and the drive is external? It might take a bit to mount the drive for the roon to start seeing local files. I have this issue all the time. But the problem logging into Qobuz is usually resolved for me after the reboot.