Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
Oh, ok, that makes more sense, Sorry...:)
Nice set up if you ask me. I would make one recommendation for your system and that's to look into a cable that is more neutral like Audioquest or something like that. I made the switch and am so happy that I did. What cable did the dealer have on the VAndy system when he played them for you? I have found how important cables are the better my system gets. We all know that and we all talk about it, but we all too often we don't put cables into our system and listen. I did that. I bought AQ from Johnny (was all MIT for years and years with some Kimber thrown in) when I got my Treo's and I had some MIT top of the line stuff. I was in shock when I went back and forth. I also noticed that my MIT wasn't a bi wire and that made a HUGE difference also. I agree with Richard in that you must use a bi wire run of cable. Even using two lesser cables rather than one expensive cable makes a big difference, or at least it did in my own system. I also know that Richard really does use the AQ cables in his speakers. You can see this in his crossovers for the Quatro on up. There is a reason for this. I won't go into the physics involved, but when you have a first order, phase and time correct speaker the cables will make a huge difference. Possibly more so than other speakers. That's something that folks don't realize. I had a great conversation with AJ Conte of Basis about cables and passing phase and time correct signals. I understood about 10% of what he said, but man did it make sense, lol. I have heard the same thing from a couple of folks I had the pleasure meeting with my former dealer in RI (no names but think MIT, Kimber and Transparent after their nasty break with MIT). Not all cables, regardless of price or what dealers want to tell us, will pass the signals properly. Not saying Nordost doesn't at all, but I'm saying that AQ or even Basis cables will get you where you want to be. As long as you are getting one of the battery pack cables you are doing to be fine. The newest AQ cables for the price are KILLER I personally feel.

I'm going to sell my Treo's as I want to move up to the Quatro. Those are the sweet spot in the Vandy line for me as I want to tune the bass to my room. If you don't need to tune it to your room and you are happy with quality bass to the low 30's, then the Treo is killer and a world beater for the cost. There is a reason that you don't find many used Treo's on the market nd when you do, it's because we are moving up in the Vandy line. At least Richard helps us protect our investments, lol.
I do not own Treo
Have heard them a few times but not for a serious listen
I trust and believe in Richard, yes I am biased
had 3aSIG for a decade
Having a speaker let alone system that long can lead to a strong belief that is what it SHOULD sound like..
Went thru some soul searching to get 5a to sound more like 3a SIG ..but that was my journey.
Bless you on yours.
Your associated equip is stellar and in many cases hews to much of what MANY Vandy dealers would feel sounds great w Steens..

BTW Johhny I have Van Morrisons Blue Note release What's wrong with this picture on..yum !
Ctsooner -

The new 2 series Nordost has taken a ridiculously large sonic leap and does not even resemble the thin sounding Nordost of the past. You should take a listen. The Satori Shotgun is a true shotgun (that means double run). You should research that as well. If the Treo is not good enough for you then the Quatro will not help. The reason you are unhappy is your system synergy. Get new cables and perhaps an amp. Or have Richard Vandersteen set up your speaker again. They may have moved. Of course you realize I am saying this all tongue-in-cheek to make a point. You didn't ask for, need or particularly like my ignorant dissing of your system, did you? Of course not. Keeping the thread about the Treos avoided all the second guessing, imaginary problems with my gear, my imaginary discontentment with same, and the resultant imaginary cures. That is why I didn't want to post my system specifics. I realize you mean well. No hard feelings.
Tomic601 =

You make a good point. I'll go back for another demo with an open mind and a battle plan. I'll bring my own music, have them set up the speakers properly and use something better than the single run Kimber 8TC wire in a split HI/LO configuration. Stay tuned..
Interesting discussions guys, I have auditioned the Treo & Quattro (non-CT upgraded) and was not impressed. The same can be said for the Aeriel 7t and 6t models. Perhaps it was an improper set-up or an improper acoustically damped room, or both. These are not bad speakers per se, they are not outstanding, either. There is better money to be spent on better loudspeakers IMO. Keep me posted and Happy Listening!