Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


I have been interested in this subject most of my audiophile life. Decades ago I heard a demonstration of a Yamaha DSP-1 Sound Field Processor and I was blown away. Since then I have acquired several processors including a Carver C-9 Holographic Generator, BSG QOL, Black Ice Foz SSX, and a DSP-1. Someday I expect to write a review of these processors in case anyone else is interested. I have not heard the BACCH system but I look forward to it. I've got a spare MAC laptop that I could use but I would like to hear it at an Audio Show if possible.

For now I'll discuss the BSG QOL processor because it's my favorite and there is good reporting on it. The unit is very good at expanding depth of the soundstage. You can almost see the instruments placed in 3 dimensions with much more depth than standard stereo. I really like it and I run it most of the time. Whenever I compare components I bypass it because it makes everything sound better. I like it so much that I bought a spare in case this one breaks.

There are several good articles in the trade mags about this processor and they go into the theory behind it. If you are interested you can learn more about this subject in layman's terms. Here are a couple links: Stereophile BSG  and TAS BSG Review



Would it not be better to have heard a  BACCH system and formulated an intelligent option about it?

Would it not be better to have heard a  BACCH system and formulated an intelligent option about it?

@curiousjim Its clear the OP has already formulated his completely uninformed opinion and is now just cherry-picking responses that reinforce it while disregarding all the positive responses.  Plus, he’s obviously done zero research on the product or made any effort to actually learn anything about it.  But it is interesting hearing the feedback from people who’ve actually used it, so at least there’s that.

To say I've done no research is just wrong.

I saw the YouTube video from the audio file junkie and it does confirm that the interface is not terribly friendly to work with. The channel really doesn't show how the thing works which is really the point. To speak about how it sounds and all the wonderful immersive two stereo benefits, you have to keep in mind he's a representative of the company and clearly he's biased. He makes money off of this product or hopes to. 

As noted in a common above it's a pain in the ass to work with. That's the biggest marketing problem. It's a confusing product that's glitchy. How horrifying to get involved with his product. Don't understand why the manufacturer can't do a better job with the interface makes no sense whatsoever.