Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


Showing 13 responses by soix

Thank you for your reply. The only problem I have with all this is that it's so very difficult and confusing to implement.

No, it’s not!!!  Several people here who’ve used it have stated clearly that it’s not hard to implement and that very helpful customer support is there if you happen to need it.  You just can’t get it through your thick head what’s clearly being said here by actual users and wanna stick to your mantra that it’s “too hard.”  Seriously, what’s wrong with you?

Everything I’ve read from reviews to actual user/owner experience say this is a true game-changer experience.  I’m actually afraid to try it for fear of being wrecked forever.  It’s also available for headphones that also seems to provide a mind-blowing experience.  This one seems legit — if you dare.

They have several levels.  I think you can do the base level for under $2k. 

It sounds like a glorified DSP system. Subject to all kinds of tweaking. Has anyone seen the interface? Seems installation would be somewhat problematic.

You’re so far off base it’s downright silly and you’re now embarrassing yourself.  Maybe go read something about this rather than throwing out ridiculous and totally ignorant statements.  

I’m not sure what to make of all this marketing stuff from Princeton. An ongoing science project? Seems to be in the development stage and not ready for prime time. If it can’t be easily understood, that’s a problem

No, it’s more just your problem. As others have stated here this is clearly not just “marketing stuff” from Princeton. You clearly don’t have the capacity to understand it but for some reason seem intent on disparaging it — why I have no idea. You have no idea what you’re talking about and have done not even the most basic research on the technology, so your opinions and credibility here are precisely zero. From Andrew Quint’s review of the BACCH system…

The BACCH-SP devices are intended for two-channel aficionados who want to extract the best possible experience from a stereo setup: There are literally millions of stereo recordings out there that have the potential for a completely unanticipated improvement in sound quality.

But, maybe you know better based on — nothing.


Would it not be better to have heard a  BACCH system and formulated an intelligent option about it?

@curiousjim Its clear the OP has already formulated his completely uninformed opinion and is now just cherry-picking responses that reinforce it while disregarding all the positive responses.  Plus, he’s obviously done zero research on the product or made any effort to actually learn anything about it.  But it is interesting hearing the feedback from people who’ve actually used it, so at least there’s that.

As noted in a common above it's a pain in the ass to work with. That's the biggest marketing problem. It's a confusing product that's glitchy.

A user above said it took him an hour to set up, and once it’s set up you’re done so not sure what you’re on about here. Plus, you thought it cost $20k when in fact there are options down to around $5k and as little as $900 and dismissed it as a “marketing gimmick.” C’mon man. Given the benefit on offer here I think you’re greatly overemphasizing the interface issue, but u do u.

We are obviously wrong, he watched one video!

@curiousjim After it was linked here.  Joke.  Total joke. 

So why don’t they post an explanatory YouTube video explaining the interface. This is the biggest hurdle for marketing this product and they know it. DSP interfaces are horrifying. Also testing a room is horrifying to do. Because no one has designed an Interface that makes the process easier to deal with

I’m sorry, but this is just absurd. First, very few users here are complaining about the interface, and those who’ve had questions have cited excellent customer support, and setup only has to be done once so after that the software is a total nonissue. Second, why do you lump this in with other DSP devices? You’re not testing a room — you put earplugs in and the system does everything else. What exactly is so horrifying about that? You’re making up your own misconceived narrative that has no basis in fact whatsoever as it pertains to this product. Stop. Just stop pushing this inaccurate and misinformed garbage of yours. Please.

I quote Ozzy Osbourne re: the prior post. — “I’m going off the rails on a crazy train.”

Yeah maybe crosstalk needs to be better clarified. To lift it out of the gimmick zone. OK so I now research what the heck crosstalk means.

Just to be clear, you’re the only one on this thread who thinks this is a gimmick. But glad to hear you’re finally going to actually do some research into this rather than just throwing out nonsensical and completely uninformed barbs.  Jeez.

And quite frankly no one else seems to be terribly excited about it.

And then I read about a headset you’ve got to wear so the System can find you in the room. That’s some crazy stuff

I can’t even. Shades of kenjit.  Peace out.

Bacch uses microphones in your ears to measure the room and your ears to get the best sound. I didn’t know about this.

You’re the only one here who doesn’t seem to get this extremely simple concept. Seriously, have you done any research on this system at all??? Or do you need a YouTube video to spoon feed you and show you how to do everything? At this point in the thread that you don’t know this system is calibrated once by using in-ear microphones is just inexplicable and utterly embarrassing for you. You keep trying to push this agenda that this is hard to set up when several people here who’ve actually bought and use it say it’s not bad at all. Yet you keep pushing this completely false narrative and seem completely incapable of absorbing any of the very pertinent information being shared with you by experienced users. There’s a problem here.