Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


Showing 21 responses by emergingsoul


Thank you for your reply. The only problem I have with all this is that it's so very difficult and confusing to implement. I've heard horror stories from others when trying to work with their current equipment and this Baach stuff.

The website is terribly terribly confusing in terms of trying to figure out how it can be integrated into your system. Maybe it's a good thing but it's just too darn demanding to figure it all out and they need to do a better job describing how it fits into your system.


I spent time on the website and really tried to understand all the various offerings and also how it fits into my existing System.  I had trouble figuring it out. Maybe I'm alone and maybe I'm not as smart as everybody else but it just seems real challenging to figure out.

I think it's done by someone who went to Princeton and clearly I'm not Princeton material. 

I think it cost like $30,000 to do this.

And the complexities of all the computer interfacing.

I'm not sure what to make of all this marketing stuff from Princeton.  An ongoing science project?  Seems to be in the development stage and not ready for prime time.  If it can't be easily understood, that's a problem

It's dsp. It takes a system and modifies the heck out of the sound. It's a massive coloring project. It's a system designed to improve upon existing system components.  And enhancing the qualities so it seems pleasant and desirable.

If this was so revolutionary, more people would be aware of it. Why is this? Does anybody even have the system? 

It sounds like a glorified DSP system. Subject to all kinds of tweaking. Has anyone seen the interface? Seems installation would be somewhat problematic.

Dsp interfaces are notoriously annoying to deal with. I don’t feel like sitting down with the laptop every time I sit down to listen to music.

Every single piece of music is different, so this means you got a tweak every single piece of music. Of course if you tweak one piece of music, you’ll be tempted to tweak things for another piece of music not sounding as good. 

It all gets back to quality of recording which varies substantially. If you have a really good system these differences and sound quality are less of a problem. Quality amplifier, preamplifier, streamer of course speakers.

If your system needs to improve, I'd spend the money on a better quality piece of equipment rather than this dsp System.


Amazing comment. Pretty much reinforces my belief that while the underlying engine might be truly wonderful, it's always the implementation interface that makes it terribly unpleasant to deal with and not worthwhile.

About not working well with all speakers is a huge problem, and of course music selections are kind of important. I have lots of recordings that sound absolutely wonderful even without this product innovation. 

Why the designers spend all their time with the core engine without giving regard to the interface and issues encounter upon implementation is beyond me. Dsp tools that are out there are also the same, the backend is probably fine it's just the front end that screws things up and frustrates the hell out of people. 



To say I've done no research is just wrong.

I saw the YouTube video from the audio file junkie and it does confirm that the interface is not terribly friendly to work with. The channel really doesn't show how the thing works which is really the point. To speak about how it sounds and all the wonderful immersive two stereo benefits, you have to keep in mind he's a representative of the company and clearly he's biased. He makes money off of this product or hopes to. 

As noted in a common above it's a pain in the ass to work with. That's the biggest marketing problem. It's a confusing product that's glitchy. How horrifying to get involved with his product. Don't understand why the manufacturer can't do a better job with the interface makes no sense whatsoever. 

So why don’t they post an explanatory YouTube video explaining the interface. This is the biggest hurdle for marketing this product and they know it.

DSP interfaces are horrifying. Also testing a room is horrifying to do. Because no one has designed an Interface that makes the process easier to deal with

I went to their website, and the product line is horrifyingly complicated. I saw the interface picture for the software, it looks horrifying.

The whole package of product looks like incredible challenge. And definitely would require a substantial investment to tweak your system.

It would be nice if they put some pricing on their website for people like me who aren't very smart

Where is the plug-in referred to above on their website?
Where can I go to figure out how much each of these components cost?
How each of the Products fit together?

Are many of the products autonomous without a need for the other products?
What systems are the products applicable too?

Do you always need a desktop or will an iPad work?

Are there any practical guiding tools on how it integrates into a system?

How do you plug it in and what does it plug into?

Will Princeton be offering fall courses to understand what’s going on here?

If I have a streamer/dac, and Roon and nucleus can I use this? And what pieces of from all their offerings would be best to use?

Is this a theoretical academic exercise that may never go mainstream?

How many users are there at this point?

Yeah maybe crosstalk needs to be better clarified.  To lift it out of the gimmick zone. OK so I now research what the heck crosstalk means.

It's always about the learning curve and the guys selling it and who are most familiar with it lose sight of what new users are seeing when they first see a product.  I had to change settings on my security system the other day and had to experience a challenginglearning curve to deal with a screwed up interface that could've been designed so much better.  All these lovely products out there butchered with an interface overlay that truly sucks. Look at freaking windows 11 Vs 10. What a nightmare that is. In this world things tend to be so much more complicated than they need to be.

People need to produce products that don't make it so difficult for others to spend their money. 


Very few people have even used this product. Just the promoters noted above.

Yeah I’m trying to do research but it’s very difficult for this very challenging product.

What the heck is crosstalk? This is the only product I’ve ever heard about that.

And quite frankly no one else seems to be terribly excited about it.

And then I read about a headset you've got to wear so the System can find you in the room. That's some crazy stuff

Very confusing why the plug-in is available on one site but not the main site for all the other products.


Cross talk cross talk cross talk,  Marsha Marsha Marsha.

Maybe this is a big deal, especially with integrated amplifiers with the cesspool of electronic activity that goes on. That's a very crowded room inside there.

But what about when you keep things separate, like monos, line stage pre and biamping, etc.  Doesnt the quality of your system impact cross talk? Doesn't the quality of the recording impact cross talk. There is a lot of inherent Crosstalking during recording going on that you can't get rid of.  And then there is are acoustical treatments where the pressure amplitudes scatter things to improve spaciousness and clarity, as well as eliminating reverberations. And I'm still trying to figure why so many die hard audio enthusiasts don't extend bass traps all the way up to the ceiling in the corners. 

The easier you make it for people to spend money for good things, everything else takes care of itself. And now it's time to buy more stuff from Amazon, eventually people will get less enthusiastic of this novelty - it's not as much fun as it used to be. I liked the waiting period, it's part of the journey and ending it too quickly spoils some of the anticipatory fun. And I have no idea what this has to do with Crosstalk at this point.



inter-aural crosstalk,

This is interesting have never heard this before. A new term I learned today.

You know a lot about this stuff kudos.

I guess there may be some benefits and the implementation experience as well as spending a lot of money for quality Version of what they offer leads to all kinds of positive reinforcement issues. Once you spend a lot of time with something it’s hard to fall out of love with it.

I think I’ll wait till they do a decent video on software implementation and I’ll take interest in this. Mr. audiofilejunkie should do this since he’s trying to make money off of it.  

Crosstalk is a complicated issue and now I understand why people stay away from it.

Very encouraging comments.

So the system is designed for a highly focused Target of one person to achieve results. So group of people probably wouldn't benefit as much.

How come you haven't gotten the system you seem very happy about what it does despite the challenges to implement?

Bacch uses microphones in your ears to measure the room and your ears to get the best sound.

I didn't know about this. I wish there was a video giving a full scale view of what you need to do to install this thing.  For some reason they just don't wanna do this.

I have a basic dac streamer connected to a pre-amplifier which is connected to the amplifiers which is connected to the speakers.

Do I need to get a desktop computer integrated to use this thing? 

I saw the link to the Bacch site on how you can figure this thing.

Basically it's a desktop computer connected to one of their devices connected to speakers that presumably are powered.

So I guess you don't need to use a streamer/dac and a pre amplifier.

So basically looks like you're replacing most of your existing system to get this thing. And then you have to install a WebCam on top of your computer which I think is weird. 

They need to show some practical examples and not just pretty pictures still lots of confusion in my opinion.


My number one  problem with System, so damn complicated to operate.  

A good question you have raised


Sounds encouraging. Any chance you could post the details of your system and explain it sort of what's going on?