Does creating a loom in cables in a system make a significant difference?

I use a mix of different cables for interconnect, speaker and digital cables.  I have no complaints. The music sounds great!   I seize upon good values for superior cables from Audiogon and Audiomart US.  I'm setting up a system in another room  and I'm wondering if I should stick with one brand of cable throughout or just keep buying high quality cables regardless of brand.  I'd appreciate your thoughts.


Maybe you are correct. Distortions is not the right word. Every cable is losing some musical information. But if the loom is losing information at only one point (for example detail) it maybe will sound better at the end instead of losing information on multiple points because of other sound signatures due to masking. This is not my personal view, but I am thinking out loud why a loom could sound better.

I guess my point is, just keep adding better cables for your tastes/system as you see fit, and I don’t think that in any way necessitates sticking to one brand. Just my take and experience.

+1. I will always add better cables when I have the budget .At the moment my cables are fine. I am now saving my money for a better DAC. It is all about balance in this hobby of ours.

And to answer the OP's question. I think there is no extra synergy in a full loom of one vendor. It don't have to cost a lot of money but your cables should be in line with your equipments potential and grow when your system gets better.

I think a person having reached satisfaction should stick with the method…Dah

@ tantejuut

With the jumble of cables coming from my AC conditioner and CD player to DAC to integrated amp, I find the 90 degree rule impossible to achieve. But as stated in my opening question, my system sounds great notwithstanding the complex interchange of cables.  As far as my original question is concerned, I will certainly take the looming idea into consideration in my 2nd room setup but will not be ruled by it. Thanks to all for your input.


Just using AQ Blizzard Xtreme powercords all around, Cardas Gold Presence interconnects, and speaker cables are Kimber 12TC. I try to keep it simple......