Does creating a loom in cables in a system make a significant difference?

I use a mix of different cables for interconnect, speaker and digital cables.  I have no complaints. The music sounds great!   I seize upon good values for superior cables from Audiogon and Audiomart US.  I'm setting up a system in another room  and I'm wondering if I should stick with one brand of cable throughout or just keep buying high quality cables regardless of brand.  I'd appreciate your thoughts.


Showing 4 responses by styleman

Thanks Guys for your input.  I agree with what Charles 1 Dad said.  My ears tell me that I'm doing fine. It was an  expensive route to get where I am in my present system. My instinct tells me that any increase in SQ by building a loom system with one manufacturer (Nordost, Synergistic Research or many of the other respected brands) would not be noticeable to me.  I'll just follow a route that makes economic sense to me (but I won't go cheap) without religiously adhering to one brand.

While I respect the views of those who through personal and in some cases very long positive experience with a cable loom, my ears will probably never discern a difference among high quality elements from different companies. I don't have the Golden Ear ability to distinguish between the subtle differences in SQ described by equipment reviewers and members of this forum.  When I was at Axpona in April at a Nordost exhibit, the rep there put me down for not having a Nordost loom. My system sounds great nevertheless with mix and match.  I am able to distinguish some differences in cables. I started out with inexpensive Cullen IC and digital Cables (heavy gauge copper) but I sensed a "blanket" over the music compared to my older Kimber cables. My speaker cables were Nordost Blue Heaven, (upgraded to Tyr 2) in both cases.  My outlets are 20 amp and my conditioner and power cables are Shunyata.  I then switched to Synergistic silver and the difference to me was dramatic (and no harshness as some have warned).  But posting the question was my own reality check.

@ tantejuut

With the jumble of cables coming from my AC conditioner and CD player to DAC to integrated amp, I find the 90 degree rule impossible to achieve. But as stated in my opening question, my system sounds great notwithstanding the complex interchange of cables.  As far as my original question is concerned, I will certainly take the looming idea into consideration in my 2nd room setup but will not be ruled by it. Thanks to all for your input.