Does Everyone Use 2 Phono Cables with SUT

I just learned a rather expensive lesson from my audio dealer. I always thought I only needed a phono cable from my turntable to my SUT. By adding another phono cable (not interconnect) from the SUT to the phono preamp, I got a nice improvement in “efficiency.” Everything just flows better.


I guess everyone uses 2 phono cables? 




I’ve measured C in a 22 foot run of my AntiCables IC vs another 22-ft of  IC with a conventional shield. 

Wow, you must like soggy bass and rolled off high frequencies - usual single strand attributes - no damping factor. ( Yes I have heard the anti cables )

The above statement is only relevant to the particular shielded cable you tried.

Specifications for Anticables are 0.0095nanofarad/ft - 38 picofarad per meter.

I use a high gauge stranded silver phono cable - twisted pair with double shielding - only measures 48 picofarad in total including the connectors despite using much thicker conductors than the Anticables.

Generalisations can be dangerous - pays to check the specs.

Dover, AntiCables make several different cables for sale at different price points, and moreover they have recently revised their shielding for more coils per unit length. So which of their products are you denigrating here? I’m using their latest and highest end cable which contains separate and equal silver/gold conductors for hot and ground, respectively, (2 pair in each direction) with an entirely separate copper coil for shielding. RCA plugs are the best of the KLE product line, which I happen to like. I don’t perseverate too much on cables, although I do believe they make a big difference. I needed one 22-foot length cable to run from my Steelhead to the built-in amplifier on a Beveridge speaker; the other channel needs only about 12 feet.

Where and on what gear have you auditioned whatever AntiCable you're referring to? For signal carrying, "thicker" is not necessarily better (in my direct experience, it's usually worse), and "thick" dielectric is almost always not desireable, but this is Off Topic. Let’s not get into another digression about whose cables sound best; I am only trying to help out the OP to think about the trade-off between shielding and capacitance.. You or anyone else can insert any other brand with low capacitance and effective shielding here. If you want, start another thread on cables.

Finally, I don’t know what you mean by your last sentence: "Generalizations are dangerous...." Where did I generalize? I think you would agree that shielding per se adds to capacitance.  And I did measure capacitance myself, in order compare the AntiCables to the cables I replaced, as far as checking specs (see above). Funnily, you say yourself above that the generalized AntiCable has a lower C per meter than whatever it is you use. QED

I don’t perseverate too much on cables, although I do believe they make a big difference. I needed one 22-foot length cable to run from my Steelhead to the built-in amplifier on a Beveridge speaker; the other channel needs only about 12 feet.

OMG thats even worse.

Unequal lengths - so the phase shifts at various frequencies through the cables will be different for each channel.

I cant see how the Manley can drive 22ft cables without loss.

You would be better off running short interconnects and decoupling the Beverage amps - extend the cables between the Beverage amps and crossover. I would expect significant gains with this alternate arrangement.

As promised, I want to provide feedback after replacing the A23 “T1” SUT and  plugging in the Auditorium 23 “T2” step up transformer.


As a reminder my Miyajima Madake cartridge has an output of .23mV and an impedance of 16Ohms.

It turns out that the A23 “T1” is suited for cartridges up to 12 Ohms and the “T2” for anything over 12 Ohms.

Swapping in the T2 had the following changes:

1. More defined soundstage especially at the edges

2. Less congested overall presentation 

3. Had to turn up preamp volume by 20%
4. Overall improved micro detail

5. Slightly improved timbre

However, it seems that I’ve lost some of the “weight” (meet on the bone) especially in the base and mid base. 

Unfortunately this is all happening while I’m trying to break in 2 new phono cables…..the subject of my original post. 

I appreciate all the excellent feedback. It’s why we have these forums.

I will check back after another 30 hours of breaking time on the cables to see if the base and mid base improves.