Does Everyone Use 2 Phono Cables with SUT

I just learned a rather expensive lesson from my audio dealer. I always thought I only needed a phono cable from my turntable to my SUT. By adding another phono cable (not interconnect) from the SUT to the phono preamp, I got a nice improvement in “efficiency.” Everything just flows better.


I guess everyone uses 2 phono cables? 




Showing 6 responses by labpro

Thank you all for the feedback and advice. 

I learned an expensive lesson by using a regular interconnect with my SUT.

I think @atmasphere is correct. “Brand” probably is not as important as the cables capacitance. 

I’ll bet there are some decent phono cables, with very low capacitance, that can be purchased at a reasonable price. I believe someone mentioned Bobs Devices.


Mulveling you are spot on. I was using a phono cable “to” the SUT and a “regular” interconnect from SUT to phono preamp. I have a Miyajima Madake cartridge (.23mV output) and the signal was literally getting lost. 

I recently added 2 Audience Front Row “phono” cables and everything snapped into place. I thought perhaps my speakers were not efficient enough. I almost headed down the path to replace my speakers! 

Lesson learned. 

I’m using an Auditorium 23 T-1 step up transformer. Sounds really good with the Madake and 2 phono cables.

I am aware that the A23 “T-2” technically is for higher Ohm cartridges like the Madake. 

I had been using a high-end “tinned copper” phono and regular interconnect. I’d rather not mention the brand to be fair.

That company does not publish the capacitance, but I’ll bet it’s much more restrictive than the Audience cables. 



Ok, now I’m really curious. I’m going to borrow my friends Auditorium 23 “T2”

SUT. The T2 is made for cartridges  approx 6 Ohms and higher.

By the way, I have the DIN phono cable AND the T1 SUT both grounded to the phono preamp.

I will report my findings once I get the T2 hooked up.


As promised, I want to provide feedback after replacing the A23 “T1” SUT and  plugging in the Auditorium 23 “T2” step up transformer.


As a reminder my Miyajima Madake cartridge has an output of .23mV and an impedance of 16Ohms.

It turns out that the A23 “T1” is suited for cartridges up to 12 Ohms and the “T2” for anything over 12 Ohms.

Swapping in the T2 had the following changes:

1. More defined soundstage especially at the edges

2. Less congested overall presentation 

3. Had to turn up preamp volume by 20%
4. Overall improved micro detail

5. Slightly improved timbre

However, it seems that I’ve lost some of the “weight” (meet on the bone) especially in the base and mid base. 

Unfortunately this is all happening while I’m trying to break in 2 new phono cables…..the subject of my original post. 

I appreciate all the excellent feedback. It’s why we have these forums.

I will check back after another 30 hours of breaking time on the cables to see if the base and mid base improves. 

Hi Jollytinker,

You made my day. I’m glad this discussion was helpful.

I find the Auditorium SUT’s to be stunning when used as intended.

I’m still breaking in my 2 new phono cables and will report back shortly.