Does Everyone Use 2 Phono Cables with SUT

I just learned a rather expensive lesson from my audio dealer. I always thought I only needed a phono cable from my turntable to my SUT. By adding another phono cable (not interconnect) from the SUT to the phono preamp, I got a nice improvement in “efficiency.” Everything just flows better.


I guess everyone uses 2 phono cables? 




Showing 7 responses by lewm

Dinov, there really IS no difference except I guess in the minds of some or where a phono cable could be defined as a cable that terminates at one pair of ends by a usually female DIN plug or the like.

Dover, AntiCables make several different cables for sale at different price points, and moreover they have recently revised their shielding for more coils per unit length. So which of their products are you denigrating here? I’m using their latest and highest end cable which contains separate and equal silver/gold conductors for hot and ground, respectively, (2 pair in each direction) with an entirely separate copper coil for shielding. RCA plugs are the best of the KLE product line, which I happen to like. I don’t perseverate too much on cables, although I do believe they make a big difference. I needed one 22-foot length cable to run from my Steelhead to the built-in amplifier on a Beveridge speaker; the other channel needs only about 12 feet.

Where and on what gear have you auditioned whatever AntiCable you're referring to? For signal carrying, "thicker" is not necessarily better (in my direct experience, it's usually worse), and "thick" dielectric is almost always not desireable, but this is Off Topic. Let’s not get into another digression about whose cables sound best; I am only trying to help out the OP to think about the trade-off between shielding and capacitance.. You or anyone else can insert any other brand with low capacitance and effective shielding here. If you want, start another thread on cables.

Finally, I don’t know what you mean by your last sentence: "Generalizations are dangerous...." Where did I generalize? I think you would agree that shielding per se adds to capacitance.  And I did measure capacitance myself, in order compare the AntiCables to the cables I replaced, as far as checking specs (see above). Funnily, you say yourself above that the generalized AntiCable has a lower C per meter than whatever it is you use. QED

Talk to Paul Speltz at AntiCables. He’s an EE. I’ve measured C in a 22 foot run of my AntiCables IC vs another 22-ft of  IC with a conventional shield. The AC cable capacitance was an order of magnitude or more lower.

Just keep in mind that "well shielded" and "low capacitance" are antithetical qualities, which I am certain Dover knows.  Some others might not.  Which is why I mentioned the AntiCables approach to shielding that does not add much capacitance.

AntiCables make excellent “interconnects” which are both shielded AND very low in capacitance, because the shield wire is wound around the signal carrying wires. Therefore the shield is perpendicular to the field generated. They also make “phono cables” having a DIN plug at one end and RCAs at the other.  XLR-terminated  Balanced versions are available too. I’ve measured the capacitance and it’s vanishingly low.

Sorry. Do you mean to differentiate between an "interconnect" and a "phono cable"?  If not, how on earth did you connect your SUT to your phono inputs before now?  To avoid using two ICs (or phono cables) in the SUT circuit, one option is to have flying leads (leads that are directly soldered to the primaries or secondaries of the SUT), so as to avoid any degradation due to RCA connectors.  Also, many use a single set of leads from cartridge pins to phono input, or in this case from cartridge pins to the SUT primaries.  Then you could have flying leads from the SUT secondaries to the phono inputs.