USB vs SPDIF, which sounds better?

I am currently using an Audience AU24 SE USB cable between my Aurender N10 music server and the Lampizator Big 7 dac. Since both components have the SPDIF connection, I am wondering if the SPDIF would sound better than the USB. If so, what are some good digital RCA cables available today?  Thanks for your input.
Regarding cables the best cable I have even heard is High Fidelity Audio spdif  magnetics technologies the Ct-2 if you call direct 
around $1k and beat 3- usb cables 3x it’s price in realism and detail.
I think it really depends on your source and DAC.  I have an Auralic Aries G2 server going into the DAC built into my NAD M12 DAC/Preamp.  It’s a decent DAC - not great - but pretty decent.  There’s reason to believe that newer high DACs are moving in the direction of USB and Ethernet being the preferred connection.  

I had my server hooked up via a Nordost Heimdahl digital cable (1.5M).  It was superior to the Audioquest digital cable I previously had (don’t remember model but it was probably $300 when I bought it).  However, based on another thread, I thought I should try the USB connection and bought a Nordost USB cable (much less than the Nordost SPDIF/Coax cable).  And, it’s a bit better than the SPDIF connection.  Not loads better, but a bit more depth and openness.  Now I may try the Nordost Heimdahl USB cable.  (Where does it end...).

I know an Aurender dealer who prefers the USB connection on his N10 going into his DAC.  YMMV.  

So, I think the only way to know is to audition it yourself. It seems to me to be very system dependent.


I've held off replying because I have yet to upgrade USB and SPDIF cables. USB is an inexpensive Oyade. SPDIF Blue Jeans. Curious what others find.

I think MGRIF104 nails it. System dependent and (Where dose it end) ;^)

My gear my ears SPDIF is clearly best. 

The ground loop issues of a USB cable can be mitigated by using an unpowered version (data only) of the USB cable. Several high end companies offer this sort of cable (Sablon Audio, for example).

Most standalone DAC's don't take power from the USB cable anyway. Power isn't the real culprit, the ground loop can occur in the data, not to mention extra noise. Ideally DAC's now have galvanic isolation built into all of the metal connectors.

If your DAC does take power from the USB cable, using an isolator with a linear power supply is a better solution.
@bacobits1 Thanks for your info. I also have the Yiigdrasil DAC. Which of the WyWires Litespd cable are you using? I noticed on their webpage that they have blue, silver, platinum and diamond all with