USB vs SPDIF, which sounds better?

I am currently using an Audience AU24 SE USB cable between my Aurender N10 music server and the Lampizator Big 7 dac. Since both components have the SPDIF connection, I am wondering if the SPDIF would sound better than the USB. If so, what are some good digital RCA cables available today?  Thanks for your input.

Showing 2 responses by mid40sguy

As a new N10 owner I'm still learning too.
As I understand it N10 USB out is not via the Aurender N10 clock but by your DAC clock. The Aurender clock is amazing and should be used.
DSD only feeds through USB so for best effect we would require USB & SPDIF cables attached at the same time, the N10 supports that. SPDIF for everything except DSD will use USB.
I've only used a modest Oyade USB cable so far but plan to get a SPDIF coaxial very soon. I was reading your topic hoped to find more information on a quality SPDIF cable.

I've held off replying because I have yet to upgrade USB and SPDIF cables. USB is an inexpensive Oyade. SPDIF Blue Jeans. Curious what others find.

I think MGRIF104 nails it. System dependent and (Where dose it end) ;^)

My gear my ears SPDIF is clearly best.