Phono Interconnect

Can anyone recommend a decent phono cable from the TT to my Integrated. I have a Pro-Ject RM5SE and a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium integrated equipped with a phono stage. Looking to enhance my listening experience as just recently got into vinyl. Not wanting a really high dollar cable just one that is a great bang for the buck.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
Sam, proceed with caution. Particularly if you're expecting a WOW moment. Also consider a used phono amp that retailed for 1 k+.
Get it for $5-600. More food for thought-tubed to compliment the already. Fine amp and next level up cart ie LOMC.
I will put the mogami 2549 with KLEI copper harmony up against the Jelco JAC-501 for the same price any day.
I've been very satisfied with Herron Audio interconnects. Uncolored, inexpensive and don't seem to have interaction issues regardless of the impedances of the components they link together.