Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS

Well the e-bay USPS shipping has fallen apart, and the e-bay Fed-Ex is not much better......A 4000.00 CD player missing for 20 days by USPS, A box of 50 fuses , says delivered , but nobody knows where ???..........2 cartridges and a headshell...delivered today, but nobody knows where ??........You put a tracking number in Fed-Ex all it says is late delivery, and never tells where it is.....So be careful with Christmas Presents..........The only way I can track USPS is go to the Post Office ans have them track it, if I track it all it says is late arrival......

Is there a cut-off weight in lbs. for UPS?
Was the ARC damaged?

I would gladly drive 100 miles to pick up gear like this if not damaged.

Happy Listening!
I had a bad week with UPS, I had a large Audio Research sent to me and the shipper put a 105 LBS on the box......Which was wrong.....So when it got to Spokane, Washington (100 miles away) some one a UPS weighed it and found that it actually weighed 176 LBS......So it pretty much stopped there, and just about disappeared......But I found a girl at the Spokane ground station, and she sad it as out in the shipping department and some one unpacked it............So its setting in Spokane unwrapped in the shippng shop............So I ask her if I could come and pick it up and she says , no problem, so I drove the 100 miles and picked it up.........

this week I took delivery of a Marantz SA-11S2 player shipped from CA to AL. The player arrived safe and sound. Not a scratch via UPS.
46 lbs double-box parcel.

Happy Listening!

Excellent service from UPS! I called them to pick up some loosely packed items, they repacked, then delivered the next business day, no hassle. Could it be they’ve seen the light? Or is this just the locals?
Well after 41 days the CD player shows up at my home in good condition....Now for number 2 shipping mess!!!!   Fed-ex has a 6000.00 item I shipped to California, first mistake ??   The package has been put on the Fed-ex truck every morning for delivery, but when it gets to the shipping address its not on the truck, very morning its put back on the truck for delivery , its the same thing......It never gets delivered.....But there's still hope, maybe ???
I ordered the Outlaw RR2160 MKII on 12/23 and got it on 12/28, 6 days.
I wanted to pick it up in Mass. but was told they ship from Utah.
The return address on the label says Easton, Mass.
Wherever it came from it came quickly!
I worked for the USPS and  UPS...they are like 2 different animals. THEY both deliver packages but UPS handles heavier packages .IN the postal service there is no pressure were in UPS there is constant pressure to get the packages delivered. I know first hand.
Yes I am evil because we disagree about some pretty benign stuff. I dont think you are in the least bit delusional. 
Wow I am really glad I cant think. The alternative, evidently, would be tortuous as is reading your response.
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Lets keep Satan out of this shall we. And my blabbering is only in response to your whinging about the U.S.

So without the right leaning wingnuts this would be a great country? Oh yes and single payer medical coverage.

Oh and by the way might want to check on the religious protection records of some of these idyllic countries in which you choose not to live.

No, I was a loyal soldier for my country for  well over decade ,A Platoon Sgt. and a good one at that . What did you do other than blabber ?

I changed when I saw US Forces killing innocent women and children .Of course rightwingnuts call it Collateral Damage . And decent Christians murder.
Every other developed country has medical insurance , only people
in the world who are are against are the profoundly evil  US rightwingnuts.Rest assured Satan will reward you for it . In spades .

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O.K. Schubert I'll bite. What did you expect and what do you want from this country? Problem I have with you is that you mention your exposure to all of these other countries as if this prevents your bitterness from eliminating any objectivity you might have. Somehow I think you were complaining long before Trump took office and your beefs with the U.S. would be the typical left leaning script about economic inequities and so on.
I have had dozens of deiveries, and several shipments out using Fedex, UPS, USPS. Never a problem with any of them. Am I just extremely lucky? In Southern CA.
Well our dear president Trump Confessed he LOVEs chaos. This is what MAGA give them, You become what you say. Chaos for the USPS too.          Jond I agree that’s a fact.CHaOs indeed.
Not really audio related but FedUp delivered a custom bass (~$4k new) to the wrong street number on the wrong street but did get the right city.  Whoops said "hold my beer" and delivered a new router to the wrong street number, wrong street and wrong city but did manage to deliver it in California, USA, Western Hemisphere and planet Earth!  USPS has been unable to match the feat of FedUp and Whoops and DHL refuses to play the game.

The REALLY nice thing is that, within 15 minutes of delivery, I got a phone call from the person where they delivered the package to arrange to get it to me. 

I am bitter for what has happened to the  Country whose Military I served
with all I had for over a decade .
But .If you missed  I'm happy about Canada .But Canada is jealous , they only have 13,000 dead from C/19 .
Sorry if I went over the top, @audition__audio , but I like @schubert  and respect his expertise.
Well It's been 26 days since my CD player was shipped from Ohio, and still the tracking number tells me nothing.....I don't know if its still in Ohio or in the back of a postal truck or just plain lo0st forever.......It only cost 4000.00 and has 500.00 insurance..............It doesn't look good, and no one at the post office seems to care.............
When the Outlaw does come can I just not accept the item for a return? Or do I have to accept it and it return it myself? Anyone have experience in these matters?
I ordered an Outlaw RR2160 MkII Stereo Receiver to use as an integrated amplifier on the 12/15. And one reason I ordered it was the website said it was in stock!

Got a email from Outlaw saying the transaction did not go through? Hmm
Called the bank, everything was cool.

Got another email from Outlaw saying some parts needed to be backordered for my order. What!?

Got another email from FedEX saying my package is in route from Utah, but Outlaw is in Norton, MA!

Got another email from FedEX saying I’ll have by 12/24.

It is now 12/26 and no RR2160 MKII and I fault Outlaw for not having it in stock when it was clearly shown on their website AND FedEX for late delivery

In the words of BB King. The thrill is gone. It’s going back...
Don’t even get me started with Fed Ex right now...

Had a package from USPS “on truck for delivery” a few days ago, now somewhere in WI (I’m in CO) with no tracking info of any sort for a delivery time. 
RE: "Your prejudices are pretty textbook"

You say, "Perhaps this isnt clear in this thread but follow his history and perhaps you will see."

So, not textbook, but frequently expressed opinion. When you wrote 'textbook', I thought you meant something like, you know, 'textbook'.
FEDEX are crooks, i had a Akitika GT-102 shipped in the original box and packing from Tampa to Miami, was returned after making to St.Pete. It was returned box with 3 holes, dented box, Fedex had retaped to hide damage, half the molded packing was missing and the amplifier metal was sheared in half and bent silly. They rejected my claim saying bad packing ..liars, cheats and didn't not even look at the box and damage, just an outright rejection, UPS are no better a few years ago they denied a claim after putting a hole through box and the wood panels of the Emerald Physics 2.7's, only carrier i have not had appalling issues with is USPS
@ bkeske 
You're right. We need to take the Constitution and Bible literally. LOL
Yup really! Perhaps this isnt clear in this thread but follow his history and perhaps you will see. Of course if you agree with him.....

bigkidz  "So now it's Trump's fault".  At the risk of inciting a riot or continuing this conversation, his attempts to dismantle the postal system to deter minority voting, and his handling of COVID that is still keeping us home certainly does not help.
I worked in the moving and storage business for many years moving some of the nicest things imaginable. I could ship the Mona Lisa if required. The first thing that I think of when I order something is how it's going to be packaged for shipment. I always ask for it to be put in a very secure box and use extra bubble wrapping, etc. I recently ordered a couple of expensive iron hand planes for a woodworking project. They came in a flimsy box that contained very little paper inside. UPS left a crushed and empty box on my porch. After discussing this with the shipper, they sent a replacement in the best packed box I have ever seen. 

It is worth mentioning that I have seen carriers taping up boxes on the truck in front of a destination to make it look like the carrier isn't at fault. 
I ordered a log cabin out of a catalog back in 1964... and I'm still waiting for it.
All carriers are blown out of the water due to the pandemic. They're doing the best they can. I worked as a courier for twenty years and I hated Christmas. Many times I came back to the station with undelivered packages because I didn't have time to deliver them. Add the pandemic to the  scenario  and you have a nightmare. 
Hmmm. I know they were good and highly regarded, but I think you are simplifying things a bit. Not that any of this really matters much. 

VERY simple , there are thousands of people called Military Historians
who write thousands of books about wars that have all the records ; In WW I the Canadian divisions had broken the German divisions holding their last massive defenses and they could fight no more. The French, British , Americans could not  break them.The war ended in two days.
The British General in Charge of all the British Army , which included the Canadians at that time, had been using them as the fire brigade
up and down hundreds of miles and they did when others could not for 2 years.

In WW ll, the Canadians hit the beach on D-day and got farther in than anyone else.Towards the end of the war Germans had 28 of their best divisions in the Netherlands and they had all the food in that country and huge amounts of ammo of every kind with fresh troops. Dutch were dying of hunger.Churchill said I have to get my best troops in battle, so he threw in the Canadians which he said were the best troops in the world .
I myself have seen Canadians in a up-scale restaurant in Amsterdam with a large bill being told by the owner that no Canadian gets a bill in my place.
To this day the Dutch send a million tulip bulbs to Ottawa for free every year .A real sight in the spring .
All this and a zillion more all in the state records of all developed countries .

To really answer your question , like anything else you work at it .
Forgot to add that in my experience UPS is by far the worst carrier. Damage common and dont like to pay claims. Use FedEx for components and USPS for my vacuum tubes. 
I think that what you want is experienced help. The union part I think best be left out. During college I worked for the USPS and some of your experiences with union employees must differ greatly from mine. 

Schubert please explain to me how one would measure the battle record of a country.
tim, no doubt we can work together as soldiers . God Bless Gen . Currie , Canada has the best battle record in both WW1 and WW II .

I listen almost every night to the CBC "National" .Often they have as much news about the States as they do Canada.
I live in the Twin Cities of Minnesota which is the most major US city
like Canada . When I fly up to Winnipeg very little change .

MN borders both Manitoba and Ontario. In the ten years I have lived
here I have NEVER heard one word about Canada on TV or radio.
15 years in Vermont , 125 mile drive to Montreal and Ottawa , ditto.Not cool.

Was going to do a bucket trip to Regina this summer. Only Province Capital I have never been in. Boo-Hoo on that.
timkr- my police pension (Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund) is required by Ohio law to fund future pension liability out to 30 years, you are wrong in your assertion, there are many pension funds subject to this requirement and I’m sure Ohio is not exclusive in that requirement.  We also contribute nearly half of the funds, the city contributes the rest.  THAT may be where a difference lies, I don’t know how the postal workers pension is funded.
My recent experience with all of these shippers...
1) FedEx outright lies, and have been caught several times doing so...they have become very unreliable, though the items eventually show up
2) USPS inefficient, esp now " due to COVID"
3) of the big three, IMHO, UPS is most reliable...
4)BUT , the absolute best, at least between here and Canada, is DHL...they consistently are SO good, packages come before they are supposed to....I honestly dont know if they do strictly domestic, though
@schubert and thanks, I was a teenager back then, but have served alongside our southern neighbours in the 1st Gulf War and my appreciation for our natural comradeship.

PS. We are on the same continent and in all my years have never had a truly bad experience between USPS and Canada Post, a few delays but excellent service all round.

Merry Christmas to everyone, stay well. 

I bought an Item from Music Direct , Chicago on Monday got it on Weds. Course only 300 miles to St Paul ,
1 hour flight time.
No body fooled with Canada Post .

I was raised in NY on a farm right on the bank of the mighty St Lawrence 3 miles from Cornwall . ON. Have nothing but respect
for the TRUE North , Strong and Free !

When present PM ’s father died I heard it on radio and went up to Montreal in my US Army uniform and stood in line for hours to show my respect , a dozen Canadians walked up to thank me.

When I got in to walk by the casket of the present PM’s father the Present PM walked up to thank me as well.

I will never forget that day .

God Bless Canada !
Just to add,  the private/independent contract delivery companies that Amazon has here in Canada on top of the major players, have been smokin the big boys in consistancy and that includes DHL, UPS, FEDEX, even Canada Post has been better imo.